Remembrance Day is 11th November, so worship planners may choose to incorporate some specific Remembrance Day prayers into the service (some from the ANZAC Day resource may also be helpful, and this resource for the centenary of the armistice, prepared by Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts in Adelaide)
Bible readings
Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17: Naomi instructs Ruth to approach Boaz, which she does. Boaz takes Ruth to be his wife, and she bears a son called Obed – David’s grandfather.
Psalm 127: A psalm celebrating God’s protection and provision, and the gift of children.
Hebrews 9:24-28: Christ entered into heaven, offering himself once as the sacrifice for human sin. Then, he will appear a second time to save those who wait for him.
Mark 12:38-44: Jesus warns against the legal experts who seek honour, and who cheat poor widows and show off with long prayers. Then he comments on a poor widow who places a small offering in the collection box, saying that she has put in more than anyone else, because she has given out of her poverty.
(Summaries by John van de Laar, Sacredise)
Bible readings in A4 folded landscape format (commentary by John van de Laar, Sacredise) Pilgrim COCU65B.Readings.2018
Singing from the Lectionary
Components of worship (links on this website)
Acknowledgement of Land
Prayer of thanksgiving
Prayer of confession/prayers of who we are/words of assurance
Prayer for Illumination
Readings (see above)
Prayers for others
Lord’s Prayer
Prayer of Dedication
Benediction and sending out
Other resources
Call to Worship
God’s Word called into being the pumpkins,
the geese who fly south, the leaves which litter our lawns.
In awe, we come into the presence of the God of vivid imagination.
God’s arms reach down and gather up
children, lovingly placing us in grace’s lap.
In joy, we reach up to the God who loves us completely.
God’s Spirit fills our lungs, so we can cry out for justice
for the broken, the young, the old, the abandoned of our time.
In service, we join with our God to build hope in our world.
(Source: Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies)
Prayers of Approach, Confession and Absolution
Most gracious God,
whose love reaches out to us
no matter where we are
no matter what we do
no matter how we think of God,
we offer our thanks
for the good of creation
and the renewing liberty of Your grace.
We rejoice in the freedom and peace in which we live.
Especially on this day we give thanks
for the remembrance of those whose lives were given in time of war, and for the bonds of friendship and appreciation
between the nations of the world.
Forgive us when we fail to be the hand of peace, the voice of magnanimity,
and the example of justice in our lives.
Forgive us when we keep silence when we should be speaking out.
Jesus calls us to receive His forgiveness and to practise it in our lives,
whether we want it or need it
whether we deserve it or seek it.
Jesus calls us always to seek reconciliation With all the people we meet.
Enable us in all things
to seek the good of the world,
to practise forgiveness and reconciliation,
to work for the increase of peace and justice,
to show tolerance and open-mindedness to all
and to practise generosity of spirit and openness of hospitality, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
(Source: Rev Dr Karen Campbell, Church of Scotland)
Prayer of confession/Assurance of pardon
Bountiful Love: our self-focus causes us to imagine how poor we are.
We are convinced we don’t have enough:
enough honour,
enough respect,
enough recognition,
enough to live on.
And so, in our poverty, we cannot trust you, we cannot see the emptiness of others, we cannot help but cling to more than we need.
Forgive us, Bestower of Blessings. Tell us we can be more loving; whisper to us of how we can be more compassionate; sing to us of how we can serve others – all in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Silence is kept
The good news is that we are made whole; not by our efforts, not by any work we have done, not by any word of ours.
Out of the riches of grace, God pours forgiveness into our lives, giving us all we need in Jesus Christ, so we might live in hope and joy. Thanks be to God. Amen.
(Source: Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies)
Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Dedication/Offering
Lord God,
We ask that by your holy light
you illuminate the instances in our lives
where we have not lived up to your name.
We denounce “obvious” evils in our society
such as murder, rape, domestic violence,
thievery, and sexual exploitation.
However, we often fail to remember
that your gospel calls us to see the world as you see it –
from the vantage point of the “least of these.”
In looking around us in this manner,
we see the daily evils that boldly counter your gospel.
We see societal ills that habitually oppress the poor.
We see societal ills that blatantly disobey your Word.
We confess that we have not been extravagantly generous
with our time, resources, or prayers.
Lord, forgive us.
Forgive us for not speaking against
an immoral budget that exploits our brothers and sisters.
Forgive us for ignoring the plight of those
unable to afford health care because of rising costs.
Forgive us for denying the tremendous damage
that racism does to our society.
Forgive us for remaining silent over issues of immigration,
the death penalty, and the need for a living wage.
Convict us to act in the name of Jesus Christ for justice and mercy,
just as you have shown toward all.
Remind us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
Forgive us, dear Lord, for our daily hypocrisy.
Cleanse our souls and our bodies
with your saving grace. Amen.
(Source: Jason R. Jenkins, North Carolina Council of Churches)
Imagining we are very poor, we think our gifts don’t matter, and so give very little. Yet, from the abundance of your love, you challenge us to be as faithful as the woman Jesus speaks about. Make us more generous and gracious givers, even as you take what we offer in these moments, and use them in the work of your kingdom. Amen.
(Source: Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies)
A Little Humble Prayer Offering (Reflecting on Mark 12:38-44)
God who cares,
For the poor and vulnerable.
May we not be religious hypocrites,
Worshiping you in our churches
But not serving those in need,
Giving little in our offering,
But offering the littlest to those who suffer.
May we learn from the example of the poor widow,
Sacrificing what we have for the benefits of others,
Time for the lonely
Money for the poor
Advocacy for the oppressed
Peace for the afflicted
Comfort for those unwell
On this special day,
We pause to remember the horror of war,
The sacrifice of the brave
and your call to peace making.
May we follow where you call,
Serve as you have served
And love your love into the world
as you did in Jesus
(Source: Jon & Rachel Humphries, Prayerwright)
Sending out
God sends us out into the world.
We will gather up God’s children and bring them to the lap of grace.
Jesus invites us to watch with him.
We will notice those who give from their scarcity,
challenging us to offer our abundance to those in need.
The Spirit clothes us with grace.
We will go forth to welcome all we meet into our hearts.
(Source: Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies)
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May God watch over you!
And also over you!
Offer your hearts to the One who creates new life for those who are empty.
We bring our lives to God, the restorer of new life.
People of God, give thanks to the One who gives us all things.
We praise the One who is abundant beyond all expectations
Once and for all, you spoke,
God of overflowing gifts:
as your Word called the sun
to shine and the earth to spin;
as your hand stirred the dust,
shaping us in your image;
as your Spirit breathed grace
into our empty lungs.
You would feed us with peace,
but we gnaw on the bread moldy with anxiety;
When you would clothe us with glory,
we put on the long robes of sin,
the hems dragging through dusty death.
In vain, the prophets rose early
to speak your words of invitation;
in vain, they stayed up into the late hours,
watching for our return to you.
Yet, out of the abundance of your love,
you sent Jesus to us,
so that we might not live in the poverty
of our despair and fear.
With Ruth and Naomi, with Boaz and David,
with widows in poverty, and children on the streets,
we join our voices as we sing to you:
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God of grace!
All creation is filled with the bounty of your love.
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is he who has not left us without hope.
Hosanna in the highest!
You are holy, God of wonder and wisdom,
and blessed is Jesus Christ, our Brother,
who left you, in faith and obedience,
to enter humanity’s world,
not as a mere copy, but truly one of us.
Again and again, he pointed to you:
Restorer of broken lives,
Nurturer of every hungry heart,
Lover of each child.
Sitting opposite death, watching as
we went down to its threshing floor,
he offered himself in our place,
putting in everything he had,
so we might receive the gift
we need to live on with you.
Remembering his gentleness and generosity,
remembering his compassion and clarity,
we speak of that mystery we call faith:
Christ died, once, and it was for all;
Christ was raised, once and for all;
Christ will return, for those who wait for him,
to bring them home to God,
Once and for all,
pour out your Spirit
upon those who gather
around your bountiful Table,
where life and love are placed.
You nourish us with your bread
filled with gentle grace,
so, that fed, we may serve those
who hunger for hope in their lives.
You restore our flagging spirits
from the overflowing cup of joy,
so, that refreshed, we may take
new life to the poor and hopeless
in every place where they are found.
And when the foundation of the world is no more,
when we enter that haven made by your hands,
when we sit with our sisters and brothers
at the feast where we are fed from your heart,
we will offer glad songs of joy to you,
God in Community, Holy in One. Amen.
(Source: Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies)
Pilgrim 2018
Midweek services COCU65B.Midweek.2018
Sunday 8am communion service COCU65B.8AM.2018
Sunday 11am communion service COCU65B.11AM.2018