Prayers for illumination

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I love this one – ‘Startle us, O God, with your truth’, used by a Minister in Chicago. The story is here or click on this link: Startle us

Gracious and Holy God
give us wisdom to recognise you
intelligence to understand you
diligence to seek you
patience to wait for you
eyes to see you
a heart to meditate on you
and a life to proclaim you,
through the power of the Spirit
of Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Source: St Benedict)

Understanding Biblical Texts
These are wise and powerful words.
They’ve stirred the hearts of generations,
filled them with courage, fortitude, resolve.
Inscribed on ancient tablets, scrolls,
they yet find their way
to kitchen and bedside tables,
the podiums of scholars,
the shrines of faith.

How shall we read them?
Do we pluck and parse them
one by one?
Or pour them out,
fastened one to the other,
and seek for understanding
through the in-betweens,
the silent spaces never filled?

We own this legacy of words,
handed to us
generation after generation
and still,
though we may say we know them,
we cannot say we understand
for locked in any fine construal,
is the heart that dreamt
a world unseen
and only these mere words
to make it known.
(source: Gretta Vosper on her blogsite)

Liberator Christ,
you came into a holy place
and read the sacred word
about sight for blind folk and freedom for prisoners.
Come to this place now.
Read these words to us
till our own eyes are opened, our faith is unlocked,
and we can see the world as it is,
and as it could be;
till the yearnings of ordinary people are taken seriously,
and the visions of the young are valued,
and the potential of the old is released;
till your kingdom is celebrated everywhere,
and your church is good news to the poor.
(Source: Iona Abbey Worship Book, p. 157)

We come to hear the stories
of other people
in another world
long ago.
We come to hear the stories
that are also about us
in this place.
God, give us ears to listen.
eyes to see,
hearts to accept.
(Source: Joanna Harader, Spacious Faith)

(based on Psalm 78: 1-7)
Let us open our minds to God’s teaching;
and tune our ear to God’s word.
Let us listen to the stories of the faith of our ancestors;
and share our stories with our children.
We put our trust in God;
we worship the one who gives us life.
(Source: Kim Gilliland)

Spirit, lead us.
Light up the truth in these tales we retell. Spirit, lead us,
as we become the next chapter ourselves.
(Source: Paul Somerville 2002)

May we open ourselves to the seeds of wisdom
that lies dormant in this reading.
All And may our minds be fertile soil
in which it may grow strong and true
(Source: Gretta Vosper)

Easter Day
Living God, by your Holy Spirit,
open our eyes to see the new light of this day;
open our lips to tell of the empty tomb;
open our hearts to believe the good news;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
From Feasting on the Word – Worship Companion, edited by Kimberly Bracken Long.

About admin

Rev Sandy Boyce is a Uniting Church in Australia Minister (Deacon). This blog may be a help to people planning worship services.
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