Lord’s Prayer – various

Heavenly Father, heavenly Mother,
Holy and blessed is your true name.
We pray for your reign of peace to come,
We pray that your good will be done,
Let heaven and earth become one.
Give us this day the bread we need,
Give it to those who have none.
Let forgiveness flow like a river between us,
From each one to each one.
Lead us to holy innocence
Beyond the evil of our days —
Come swiftly Mother, Father, come.
For yours is the power and the glory and the mercy:
Forever your name is All in One.
(Source: Parker Palmer)

Lord’s Prayer
Our source of love, love streams from your name,
love be here on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us our daily love, and forgive us when we do not love,
as we forgive them for whom the flow of love is blocked.
Lead us not into situations where we find it too hard to love,
but place us instead in positions of empowering love.
For love comes from you, love empowers your creation,
and love is the force into which we all shall be glorified.
(Source: John Hurst, Glen Waverley UC)

THE LORD’S PRAYER, with John the Baptist slant 
 God of all people, God of all creation,
your name is Holy, Hallowed, Sacred.
Prepare us for the coming of your reign.
May we repent of our wayward ways
so that we might, unhindered, do what you want us to do.
Give us only what we need for each day at a time.
May we know the peace of your forgiveness.
Forgive us for our mistreatment of others
and may others forgive us in turn.
Lead us down the path prepared for us
first by John the Baptist and then by Jesus.
In this Way, we will be safe from evil.
Blessed are you, Loving God, forever. Amen.
(Source: Ross Mackinnon, Glen Waverley, Victoria)

Our Father, who are in this our land,
may your name be blessed in our incessant search for justice and peace.
May your kingdom come for those who have for centuries awaited life with dignity.
May your will be done on earth and in heaven,
and in the church of Central America, a church on the side of the poor.
Give us today our daily bread to build a new society.
Forgive us our trespasses, do not let us fall into the temptation of believing ourselves already new men and women.
And deliver us from the evil of war, and from the evil of forgetting that our lives and life of this country are in your hands.
(Nicaragua, Central America)

O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration.
Soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us
where your Presence can abide.
Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered
to bear the fruit of your mission.
Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire,
endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being
needs to grow and flourish.
Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.
Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose,
but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.
For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power and fulfillment,
as all is gathered and made whole once again.
(from Aramaic)

O most Compassionate Life-giver,
may we honor and praise you;
May we work with you to establish your new order of justice peace and love;
Give us what we need for growth,
And help us, through forgiving others, to accept forgiveness.
strengthen us in the time of testing, that we may resist all evil,
For all tenderness, strength and love are yours, now and forever. Amen.
(Source: Bill Wallace, Aootearoa/New Zealand)

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father of the heavens – source of the universe,
Father of all things across all galaxies, and loving parent of us all on Earth,
May we understand who you really are,
May the vision you have for each of us be realised,
May your deepest desires for each of us be fulfilled;
Feed us with the Bread of Life –
Ordinary food and drink to satisfy our hunger and thirst,
Spiritual sustenance to fill our souls and spirits;
Forgive us for the times we fall short of your loving ideals;
And keep us ever mindful of our need to forgive those
Who hurt us as freely and completely as you forgive us;
Keep our feet on the path you have set for us
So that we do not stray from your way of loving;
And deliver us from the demons that bedevil us
Personally in our own lives, and globally in our world;
For you have shown us a new way of living –
A kingdom we can inhabit wherever we are
And whatever circumstances we find ourselves in –
The kingdom of your powerful love, and peace, and glory,
Each day of our lives and throughout eternity. Yes!
(Carol Dixon based on Thomas Moore ‘Writing in the sand’, published on Godspacelight)

God, who cares for us,
The wonder of whose presence fills us with awe
Let kindness, justice and love shine in our world.
Let your secrets be known here as they are in heaven.
Give us the food and the hope we need for today.
Forgive us our wrongdoing
as we forgive the wrongs done to us.
Protect us from pride and from despair
and from the fear and hate which can swallow us up.
In you is all truth, meaning, glory and power
while worlds come and go. Amen.
(Source: Ferntree Gully Conference, Victoria)

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father/Mother who art in heaven,
Our Creator, you are all around us and within us.
hallowed be thy name.
We praise you with many different names.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
Help us live as we understand we should from knowing you in harmony and connectedness with each other,
on earth as it is in heaven.
With all creatures of the earth,
and with the earth and the universe itself.
Give us this day our daily bread,
Help us to use your resources wisely
So that we might be sustained.
and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Help us take responsibility when we fail to live harmoniously,
And help us understand and forgive when others let us down.
And lead us not into temptation,
Let us know you well enough that we are not tempted
to live outside of your love.
but deliver us from evil,
and empower us to work together to overcome evil.
for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.
We believe that you created the world
and that you will be all around us and within us forever.
We are open to you.
(Source: Lyn Seils Robertson)

Indwelling God,
infused throughout all existence,
we honour you with many names.
Your realm is within the human heart.
We accept life for all that it can be,
on earth as throughout all creation.
May we continue to draw sustenance from this earth,
and may we receive forgiveness equal to our own.
May we ever move from separation toward union,
to live in grace, with love in our hearts,
forever and ever. Amen
(Source: Fred F Keip, UUA Worship web)

Our Mother, our Father, Source of our being,
whose presence is heaven,
all Creation sings of you, “Holy!”
May your Realm unfold among us,
your desire be fulfilled,
this world blossoming out of your delight.
Give us the breath of life, one breath at a time.
Accept our brokenness;
give us acceptance of others who are broken.
Lead us beyond our desires
and save us from the grip of evil.
For the world is within you;
all power is from you,
and all glory is about you,
in eternity, which is in the present moment.
(Steve Garnaas-Holmes, Unfolding Light)

Divine Source of Love and Life,
Holy is your unspeakable name.
May your Way of Love resound through earth,
heaven in our midst.
All we need to live and thrive
we receive from you, Creator;
forgive us when we turn away,
as we forgive each other.
Keep us on the path of Wisdom,
away from wicked tyranny;
Spirit ever breathe through us,
empower us with hope.
From you, through you and in you,
are all things, now and always;
to you be all honour and praise. Amen.
(Rev Sarah Agnew, Pray the Story)

O Breathing Life
(inspired by Matthew 6: 9-13, Luke 11: 2-4)
O Breathing Life, your Name shines everywhere!
Release a space to plant your Presence here.
Imagine your possibilities now.
Embody your desire in every light and form.
Grow through us this moment’s bread and wisdom.
Untie the knots of failure binding us,
as we release the strands we hold of others’ faults.
Help us not forget our Source,
yet free us from not being in the Present.
From you arises every Vision,
Power and Song from gathering to gathering.
Amen! May our future actions grow from here! (Mark Berry)

“Our” determines the nature of religion. Suppose it had been “my”? That would have changed the nature of religion. Instead of being social and we-cntred, it would have been individual and I-centred. That would have started us off wrong, the whole prayer would come out wrong. That word “our” means a shifting of the emphasis from me to the Father and to my brothers (and sisters). (E. Stanley Jones’ The Wayp 199)
Our Father,
Not mine alone but stretching beyond family, race, class, and religion,
Reaching to everyone everywhere.
Our Father,
The One who takes responsibility for us as family,
The One who cannot do anything but the loving thing,
Hallowed be your name.
May we reverence in thought and word and deed your name, your character,
May we see as holy the very nature of who you are.
Your kingdom come,
Your kingdom of peace, justice, wholeness and abundance.
May it come because we seek it above all else,
And put it in our prayers where Jesus did, first in consideration and allegiance.
Your will be done,
Your will for the only way that life is meant to work,
Your will for kingdom life to be revealed,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
Not bread for me alone but for everyone, your entire human family
Not bread for the rest of my life but for today,
For we know that when we seek first your kingdom,
all these things – food, clothing, all we need- shall be added,
As and when we need them.
And forgive us our sins,
Forgive us our desires for luxuries that make others do without necessities,
Forgive us our holding onto tomorrow’s bread that should be shared today.
Forgive us as we forgive others, not resenting what they have, who they are,
how you have gifted them,
Lead us not into temptation but away from evil,
Guide us, all of us, until evil is not longer a temptation for us.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory,
You still rule, now, in our world today,
You rule with kingdom power and kingdom glory.
(Posted on Godspacelight)

The Lord’s Prayer (expanded)
(inspired by Matthew 6: 9-13, Luke 11: 2-4)
Our creator God, Ancient of Days,
Holy Mother of all worlds and living souls:
Your arms, that once flung galaxies of stars
like grains of sand, are open wide,
and close enough to carry each of us
like a father cradles his child next to his heart.
May your sacred name be praised!
May your realm extend,
a commonwealth of mercy, peace and justice.
Your love knits all created nature into one whole.
Your will for us always is love; and so we pray:
May your love be done on earth,
in time, as it is in eternity.
Give all of us each day the bread we need,
and hope to all who hunger for your life.
And as we share our bread along the way,
pardon us the times we’ve broken faith.
Forgive our lack of loyalty and love;
and move us quickly to forgiveness
when wrongs are done to us.
Do not abandon us in the time of hard testing.
Save us from evil’s every incarnation,
From the powers that possess our spirits and our structures.
Forever bind us to your liberating joy!
For you alone are God of grace and glory,
and Rock of our Redemption.
Let it be so, God, let it be so. Amen
(New Zealand Prayer Book)

Loving Presence, luminous in all creation,
hallowed be your name.
Thy kin-dom come.
May we reflect on earth the yielding perfection of the heavens.
Help us to receive an illumined measure from the earth this day.
Forgive us when we trespass against others,
human and other than human,
as we forgive others who trespass against us.
Keep us on the path of wisdom
when we are tempted to take the selfish path.
May it be your rule we follow,
your power we exercise,
and your radiance that allures.
May this be the truth that guides our lives,
the ground from which our future will grow,
until we meet again.
(Bruce Sanguin)

When we want to talk to one who listens,
when we want to hand over what holds us down,
then we say:
Our Father, our Mother, in Heaven.
When we’re tempted to diminish the one we name God,
then we breathe:
Holy is your name.
When we experience humankind without peace,
without justice, in self-destruct mode,
then we hope:
Your kin-dom come.
When we want everything our way,
and the world to be organised in a way that suits us,
then we remember:
Your way is present in reality as in our best hopes.
When we realise that life is precious,
and how easily we take it all for granted,
then we ask:
Give us today our daily bread.
When we pretend that the suffering and pain of others
is none of our business,
then we pray:
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
When we’re struggling,
then we ask:
Save us in the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
When we are full of hope and we believe that there is good,
then we profess:
All is yours and all is one, now and forever. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer
Eternal Spirit, Earth-maker, Pain bearer, Life-giver,
Source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the world!
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom
sustain our hope and come on earth!
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trial too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and forever. Amen.
From A New Zealand Prayer Book (Harper Collins, 1997), 181.

Eternal Spirit,
Source of all that is and ever shall be,
Loving Parent in whom we discern heaven,
May knowledge of your holiness inspire all peoples,
And may your commonwealth of peace and freedom flourish on earth
Until all of humankind heed your call to justice and compassion.
May we find the bread that we need for today,
And for the hurts we cause one another
May we be forgiven in the same measure that we forgive.
In times of trial and temptation, help us to be strong;
When life seems overwhelming, help us to endure;
And thus from the yoke of sin deliver us.
May you reign in the power of human love,
Now and forever. Amen.
(An adaption of the NZ prayer by Tom Hall)

Our heavenly Father, may your name be kept
in reverence, honour and awe.
Let your reign come, your will be done,
on earth, as in heaven, for all.
Feed us today with the food we need;
nourish, refresh us, we pray.
Forgive our wrong-doings as we forgive those
who have wronged us along the way.
And as we go through hard-testing times
deliver us from Evil’s way.
For all power, dominion and glory are yours
today and forever always. AMEN.
(Translated and adapted by Rev. John Maynard. Copyright 2014. May be used freely for public worship or personal devotion. May be adapted for singing in COMMON METRE 86.86)

Lord’s Prayer
Dear One, closer to us than our own hearts, farther from us than the most distant star, you are beyond naming.
May your powerful presence become obvious not only in the undeniable glory of the sky, but also in the seemingly base and common processes of the earth.
Give us what we need, day by day, to keep body and soul together, because clever as you have made us, we still owe our existence to you.
We recognize that to be reconciled with you, we must live peaceably and justly with other human beings, putting hate and bitterness behind us.
We are torn between our faith in your goodness and our awareness of the evil in your creation, so deliver us from the temptation to despair.
Yours alone is the universe and all its majesty and beauty. So it is, Amen.
(Jim Burklo)     

Our Father who art in heaven
Word file: Our Father with intercessions
How blissful it is to imagine heaven on earth. But lives are always endangered. Poverty consumes many, hunger and disease destroy many. The bodies of young people are for sale. Mothers and fathers are migrating to foreign lands seeking freedom and dignity and new opportunities.
God, grant to us the experience of heaven on earth.
Hallowed be your name
Your name is holy, your people are holy. You created us in your image. But the dignity of the poor ones is crushed by those who whip the poor by laws and by rules. Your name was used by foreign powers. In your name colonizers invaded foreign lands. In your name they burned and smashed.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
We know that your kingdom is a kingdom of love, justice and of peace. A kingdom of righteousness and abundance for all. Do not allow us to be deceived by the standard of this world, where unjust wars rule and colonizers become rulers of the nations. Let your will be done soon, and vanish the pseudo-kingdom of empire power. Until we can finally say, heaven is possible here on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread
The bread that we eat today satisfies our hunger. But those who make the bread in many countries have empty stomachs. How can we be happy when our body is full while many are wanting? We have been told those who do not work should not eat. But how come, those who work hard have too little to eat, while those who amass wealth by greed have plenty to throw away ? May the daily bread we partake in be the communion of struggle and hope, and be the bread that is shared by all.
Forgive us our debt, as we forgive debtors.
We offer our self-criticisms. When we have failed to love You and our neighbour, renew us and enable us to make up whatever we have failed to do. Give us hearts that can share your grace by forgiving others. Let us be humble like a dove and make us wise as a serpent. May we be sustained in our courage, that we will not be manipulated by those who have wronged, exploited and oppressed your people. Forgiveness is for those who have admitted their accountability, for your grace is sufficient enough to correct our mistakes. But arrogance and conceit will lead us only to downfall.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Lead us not to resignation in our work for justice and peace. Let not cynicism rule us, but lead us to a deeper steadfastness to overcome evil in our midst.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory are yours forever. Amen.

This we believe. Let your power of love and the glory of justice and peace be with us all forever and ever. Amen.
Adapted from a prayer by Norma.P. Dollager, the Lord’s Prayer is interspersed with prayers for others.

The ‘Abba’ Prayer
You are invited to pray in the spirit of the Lord’s Prayer, and in your original language, as appropriate
Good caring presence within us, around us, and above us;
Hold us in a sense of mystery and wonder.
Let the fullness of your goodness be within us and around us.
Let all the world know your ways of caring and generosity.
May we find we have all we need
to meet each day without undue anxiety.
Overlook our many stupidities,
and help us to release everyone from their stupidities.
May we know we are accepted.
Strengthen us that we will reach out to the best,
always with the faith
to rise above the ugly realities of our existence.
And we celebrate the gifts you have given us:
the rich kingdom of life’s possibilities,
the power to do good and the triumphs of good,
and the moments when we have seen the glory and wonder of everything.
You are life’s richness.
You are life’s power.
You are life’s ultimate meaning.
And for everyone.
And for ever more.  Amen. (FMacnab/fwb)

Aramaic Lord’s Prayer:
(Transliteration from the Syriac-Aramaic version by Neil Douglas-Klotz,
personalized by Virginia Melroy.)
Abwoon d’bwashmaya:
O Thou, The Breathing Life of all,
In the roar and whisper, in the breeze and the whirlwind, we hear your name.
Nethgadash shmakh:
Help us let go, clear the space inside,
Creating a holy place within for your light to shine.
Teytey malkuthakh:
Unite our “I can” to yours,
So that we walk as kings and queens with every creature.
Nehwey tzevyanach aykanna d’bwashmaya aph b’arha.
Your heart’s fervent desire then acts with ours.
As in all sound and light, so in all creatures on the earth.
Havlan lachma d’sunganan yaomana.
Give us the food we need to grow through each new day.
Produce in us the wisdom and understanding we need at each new stage of our lives.
Washboglan khaubayn (wakhtahayn) ayakana daph khnan shbwogan l’khayyabayn.
Help us to let go of our past, the hidden guilt of our failures,
Just as we consistently release others of the knots of their guilt.
Wela tahlan l’nesyuna
Ela patzen min bisha.
Let us not become lost in busyness, in the surface appearance of things.
But free us from what holds us back.
Metol dilakhie malkutha wateshbukhta I’ahlam almin.  Ameyn.
May abundance, fertile power, and glorious harmony return again and again, in each new age.  May this be the ground from which all our actions grow.  Amen.

Prayer in Time of War
Our Father and Mother, who art in heaven, slow to anger, and of great mercy,
lover of all the peoples of earth.
Hallowed be thy Name.
Remind us that “all the nations are as nothing before thee,”
their governments but a shadow of passing age;
Thy Kingdom come on earth.
Grant to thy children throughout all the world, and especially to the leaders of the nations, the gift of prayerful thought and thoughtful prayer; that following the example of our God, we may discern what is right, and do it;
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Help us to protect and to provide for all who are hungry and homeless, especially those who are deprived of food and shelter, family and friends, by the tragedy of war;
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us for neglecting to “seek peace and pursue it,” and finding ourselves in each new crisis, more ready to make war than to make peace.  “We have not loved thee with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves”;
Forgive us our debtors, as we forgive our debtors.
Let us not seek revenge, but reconciliation; Let us not delight in victory, but in justice; Let us not give ourselves up to pride, but to prayer;
Lead us not into temptation.
Be present to all your children ravaged by war;  Be present to those who are killing and to those who are being killed; Be present to the loved ones of those who are killing and to the loved ones of those who are being killed;
Deliver us from evil.
Subdue our selfish desires to possess and to dominate, and forbid us arrogance in victory;
For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen.
This prayer is from Women’s Uncommon Prayers, Morehouse Publishing, 2000.

Our Father (trans from Aramaic by an unknown writer)
Our cosmic Father from whom the breath of life comes
Who fills all realms of light and sound and resonance.
Your heavenly domain approaches.
May your light be experienced in utmost holiness.
Let your will come true in the universe (all that vibrates)
As on earth (all that is material and dense).
Give us wisdom (understanding assistance) for our daily need.
Detach the fetters of fault that bind us
As we let go the guilt of others.
Let us not be lost in superficial things (common material temptations)
But let us be freed from what keeps us from our true purpose.
From you comes all the working will – the lively strength to act.
This song beautifies and renews itself from age to age
Sealed in trust faith and truth. Amen
(see also sung Aramaic version here)

Our Father in heaven,
may your name be kept holy.
May your Kingdom come.
May your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us today the food we need.
Forgive us for doing wrong, as we forgive others.
Keep us from being tempted and protect us from evil.
The kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours forever. Amen.

See also re-Worship for other versions

Praying at Gethsemane, by He Qi

About admin

Rev Sandy Boyce is a Uniting Church in Australia Minister (Deacon). This blog may be a help to people planning worship services.
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  1. admin says:

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