UCA Calendar


January 2nd, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa & Gregory of Nazianzus (Christian thinkers)

January 3rd, Gladys Aylward, Christian Pioneer

UCA Calendar, 13th January, George Fox, renewer of society (founder of Quakers/ Friends)

UCA Calendar, 14th January, Monica Furlong, Christian Thinker

UCA Calendar, 17th January, Antony of Egypt, reformer of the church

UCA Calendar, January 21st, Agnes of Rome, martyr

UCA Calendar, January 24th, Timothy and Titus, apostles

UCA Calendar, January 27th, Lydia, Dorcas & Phoebe, faithful servants

UCA Calendar, January 27th, John Chrysostom, faithful servant

UCA Calendar, January 28th, Thomas Aquinas, Christian thinker

UCA Calendar, January 29th, Alan Walker, faithful servant

UCA Calendar, January 29th, Andrei Rublev, person of prayer

UCA Calendar, January 30th, Lesslie Newbigin, Christian thinker

UCA Calendar: Dorothy Soelle (April 28)

UCA Calendar: Matthias, Simon, Jude (May 14)

UCA Calendar: Jan Hus and Peter Waldo (July 7), reformers of the Church

UCA Calendar: William Wilberforce (July 30), renewer of society

UCA Calendar: Helena, mother of Constantine (Aug 18), faithful servant

UCA Calendar: John Thomas (September 1) Christian pioneer

UCA Calendar: Matthew, witness to Christ (Sept 21)

UCA Calendar: Lazarus Lamilami, faithful servant (Sept 22)

UCA Calendar: Henri Nouwen, faithful servant (Sept 23)

UCA Calendar: James Watson, Christian pioneer (Sept 27)

UCA Calendar: Clare and Francis of Assisi (Oct 4)

UCA Calendar: Seluvaia Ma’u martyr (Oct 4)

UCA Calendar: William Tyndale (Oct 6)

UCA Calendar: Helen Pearl Mackenzie, medical missionary and educator (Oct 6)

UCA Calendar: Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) reformer of the Church (Oct 11)

UCA Calendar: Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845) renewer of society (Oct 12)

UCA Calendar: Teresa of Avila*& John of the Cross people of prayer (Oct 15)

UCA Calendar: Luke, witness to Jesus (Oct 18)

UCA Calendar: Soren Kierkegaard Christian thinker (Nov 4)

UCA Calendar: John Knox (Nov 24), reformer of the Church

16 Margaret of Scotland faithful servant
17 Hilda of Whitby faithful servant
19 Mechtild of Magdeburg person of prayer
20 John Williams & Thomas Baker Christian pioneers22 Clive Staples (C.S.) Lewis Christian thinker and apologist
24 John Knox reformer of the Church
25 Isaac Watts, G. F. Handel & J. S. Bach faithful servants
26 Sojourner Truth renewer of society
29 Dorothy Day faithful servant
30 Andrew apostle

1 Charles de Foucauld person of prayer
4 Nicholas Ferrar person of prayer
6 Nicholas of Myra faithful servant
8 Richard Baxter faithful servant
9 Karl Barth Christian thinker
10 Thomas Merton (1915-1968) person of prayer
14 John Geddie & John Paton Christian pioneers
26 Stephen martyr
27 John witness to Jesus
28 The Innocents martyrs
31 Josephine Butler renewer of society

* A hymn based on a prayer by Teresa of Avila (October 15)
Christ has no body now, but ours;
No hands, no feet on earth, but ours.
Ours are the eyes with which Christ looks
Compassion into all the world.

Ours are the feet with which Christ walks
to serve all those who are in need.
Ours are the hands which Christ can use
To love and touch and bless the world.

Ours are the hands, ours are the feet
Ours are the eyes, for Christ to use.
His body then, we take the road
To love and serve as he has done.
(Source: Ross Mackinnon; tune: Niagara TiS 530)