“Being a seafarer is a tough, lonely and dangerous existence. Courageous men and women from some of the poorest countries in the world are sourced as labour for this industry. On board for lengthy eight to 10 month contracts, they do this job as a means of making a living and providing for their families back home.”
More than 90% of the world’s goods and fuels are transported around the world, thanks to seafarers. Without them the world economy would grind to a halt. This would place businesses and millions of jobs around the world in jeopardy.
Sea Sunday is the day set by many Christian Churches to remember, celebrate, pray for seafarers and their families and give thanks for their lives and work. It is officially held in July – various dates including ‘second Sunday in July’ as well as Sunday, 21 July, and Sunday, 28 July, 2024. Probably ok for any Sunday in July.
We pray for those on the perilous ocean, that God will protect them, grant success in all rightful undertakings, and bless them with grace, peace and hope in time of need.
Lord in your Mercy: Hear our prayer.
We pray for all seafarers who are required to leave their friends and families to sail the seas in dangerous and lonely conditions with threats of piracy and injustice.
Lord in your Mercy: Hear our prayer.
We pray for seafarers’ families who wait at home for their safe return. May they stay hopeful and true and be reunited in safety and love.
Lord in your Mercy: Hear our prayer.
We pray for the work of chaplains, ship visitors and volunteers around the world who minister to seafarers and provide them with practical and spiritual support.
Lord in your Mercy: Hear our prayer.
We pray for those seafarers who are sick, in body, mind or spirit, and for seafarers in foreign hospitals or in prison, often through no fault of their own, that God will grant them hope and strength.
Lord in your Mercy: Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who have gone before us who now wait on another shore. We remember with love our families and friends who have helped us on our journey of faith but are no longer with us.
Lord in your Mercy: Hear our prayer.
Heavenly Father, help us to be courageous in welcoming people of all cultural backgrounds and in sharing your love with those that are weary and carrying heavy burdens. We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen
(Source: Stella Maris Australia)