This page has links to the weeks in Year B organised by the COCU coding.
Advent and Christmas Music
Advent – general resources
Advent – wreath liturgies
COCU1B Advent 1B
COCU2B Advent 2B
COCU3B Advent 3B
COCU4B Advent 4B
Blue Christmas
12 Days of Christmas
Christmas Trees and blessing
COCU5A Christmas Eve Year A, Year B, Year C
COCU5A Christmas Day Year A Year B Year C
COCU6B Christmas 1B
COCU7B Christmas 2B
COCU8B Epiphany B
COCU9B Baptism of Jesus
COCU10B Epiphany 2B
COCU11B Epiphany 3B
COCU12B Epiphany 4B
COCU13B Epiphany 5B
COCU14B Epiphany 6B
COCU15B Epiphany 7B
COCU16B Epiphany
COCU17B Transfiguration Sunday
COCU18 Ash Wednesday ABC
COCU19B Lent 1B
COCU20B Lent 2B
COCU21B Lent 3B
COCU22B Lent 4B
COCU23B Lent 5B
COCU24B Palm/Passion Sunday
COCU25B/COCU26B/COCU27B Easter Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday
COCU28 Maundy Thursday
COCU29B Good Friday
COCU30 Holy Saturday ABC
COCU31B Easter Sunday
COCU32B Easter 2B
COCU33B Easter 3B
COCU34B Easter 4B
COCU35B Easter 5B
COCU36B Easter 6B
COCU37B Ascension Day
COCU38B Easter 7B
COCU39B Pentecost
COCU40B Trinity Sunday
COCU44B Pentecost 2B
COCU45B Pentecost 3B
COCU46B Pentecost 4B
COCU47B Pentecost 5B
COCU48B Pentecost 6B
COCU49B Pentecost 7B
COCU50B Pentecost 8B
COCU51B Pentecost 9B
COCU52B Pentecost 10B
COCU53B Pentecost 11B
COCU54B Pentecost 12B
COCU55B Pentecost 13B
COCU56B Pentecost 14B
COCU57B Pentecost 15B
COCU58B Pentecost 16B
COCU59B Pentecost 17B
COCU60B Pentecost 18B
COCU61B Pentecost 19B
COCU62B Pentecost 20B
COCU63 All Saints Day (Nov 1) ABC
COCU64B Pentecost 21B
COCU65B Pentecost 25B
COCU66B Pentecost 26B
COCU67B Reign of Christ