Almighty God, we come to you with our hearts full of thoughts that cannot be put into words. But you are our refuge and strength, the light in the darkness, and so with confidence we offer our prayers to you.
Lord hear us/ Lord hear our prayer.
At a time like this we stand in awe of the power of nature with its terrible forces above the earth, and we are reminded of our vulnerability as human creatures. We bring to you our humility, our questions, and our trust in this hour of need.
Lord hear us/ Lord hear our prayer.
We pray for those who grieve the loss of family, friends and neighbours, for those who are injured, separated, and traumatized. We ask for your healing presence in their lives and we commend to your love all those who have died.
Lord hear us/ Lord hear our prayer.
We give to your care all those who have been involved in rescue operations, medical personnel in the field and the injured in hospitals. Be with church organizations and government forces as they support their people. Sustain them through this time of tremendous loss and stress.
Lord hear us/ Lord hear our prayer.
We commend to your care those who are searching for life in the debris. We pray for those who are burdened by the unimaginable loss, and for those who have found themselves like refugees in their own locality. We ask that the generous aid and the emotional and spiritual support already offered by local communities and from around the world will encourage and lift their spirits.
Lord hear us/ Lord hear our prayer.
We pray for the homeless millions. May this disaster bring together people around the world to rebuild their lives. May we offer them peace and healing.
Lord hear us/ Lord hear our prayer.
We pray for Filipinos in this country who feel far away from loved ones and their land of birth at this time; those who are still trying to get in contact with family. Comfort families across the distance.
Lord hear us/ Lord hear our prayer.
We give thanks to God for the blessing in our lives, especially the gifts we so often take for granted until they are in danger of being taken away from us – the gift of family, friends, a home, our possessions. Most of all we praise God for the gift of life itself.
Lord hear us/ Lord hear our prayer.
God of light over darkness, order over chaos, life beyond suffering, come into our hearts in the moment of now. Come to transform our sorrow over the dead into blessings to the living. Come to reassure us your eternal truthin the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Life is always stronger than death.
Lord hear us/ Lord hear our prayer.
(Adapted from a prayer for 2004 Asian Tsunami by Homebush Uniting Church)