God of Life, Lead Us to Act
God of life, lead us to justice and peace;
you are the very Source of our very lives
you created us in your own image
with dignity and worth
you gave meaning and purpose for life
without you we cannot achieve
full justice and peace.
God of life,
lead us from injustice and un-peace.
to justice and peace;
lead us to see injustice in Asia and in this world
of people against people
of people against nature
of structures and systems
that dehumanize and ravage creation
lead us to realize that there can never
be peace where injustice exists.
God of life,
lead us to do justice and peace;
you chose to call out a people
to witness and manifest your will,
awaken us to the truth;
that we are to work together with you
to bring about justice and peace;
that we are not just to pray
but also advocate and do
and work for total salvation
which you worked out ahead
for humanity
and for the world.
March 19, 2013, Bangkok (c) 2013 Reuel Norman O. Marigza