Litany of Commitment
(source: 30th anniversary service of death of Archbishop Oscar Romero)
God, our strength,
enliven our resolve to seek bread which nourishes and sustains, that through our resistance of instant satisfaction we may learn to value what we take for granted and seek solidarity with those who have nothing.
Hear us in your mercy, and strengthen us to do your will.
God, our judge,
guard us against all arrogance, hypocrisy and self- righteousness, that through choosing the fast that undoes the fetters of injustice we may share our bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into our house.
Hear us in your mercy, and strengthen us to do your will.
God, our beginning and our end,
remind us that we are but dust and to dust we shall return, that through acknowledging our frailty and owning our mortality we may draw closer to those who live in the constant fear of death.
Hear us in your mercy, and strengthen us to do your will.
God, our challenger,
stir up our lives and shatter our complacency, that through the people we meet and the life stories we share we may be challenged to change and moved to action.
Hear us in your mercy, and strengthen us to do your will, and let our lives reflect your purpose.