Anti-Poverty Week

In 2024, Anti-Poverty Week will be held from the 13th-19th October. The main aims of Anti-Poverty Week are to:
* Strengthen public understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty and hardship around the world and in Australia; and
* Encourage research, discussion and action to address these problems, including action by individuals, communities, organisations and governments.

Everyone is encouraged to help reduce poverty and hardship by organising an activity during the Week or taking part in an activity organised by others.

Anti-Poverty Week (also Anti-Poverty Week website)
(includes UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17th October)

Excellent 2024 resource prepared by Justice and International Mission Unit for – download here.

God open our eyes that we might see today with eyes of love.
Christ open our hearts that we might respond today with your heart of compassion.
Spirit, open our lives that we might reach out today with hands of healing.
Creator, redeemer, sustainer, open us to your journey,
that we might lead others into your shalom and wholeness.
(Christine Sine, adapted)

We dare to pray: that the world will be changed,
For we long to see the end of poverty;
We dare to pray: that the rules will be changed,
For we long to see our economic structures bring justice to the poor;
We dare to pray: that our life will be changed,
For we long to bring hope where the Good News is needed.

In the strength of God’s spirit
And inspired by the compassion of Jesus:
We commit to work for change,
and wait confidently for the day
when God makes all things new
and those who weep will rejoice.

May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships, so that we will live deeply in our hearts. May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people and the earth, so that we will work for justice, equity and peace. May God bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer, so that we will reach out our hands to comfort them and change their pain to joy. And may God bless us with the foolishness to think that we can make a difference in our world so that we will do the things which others say cannot be done.
(Prayer attributed to St Francis of Assisi)

The world’s 100 richest people earned a stunning total of $240 billion in 2012 – enough money to end extreme poverty worldwide four times over, Oxfam has revealed, adding that the global economic crisis is further enriching the super-rich. Read the article here.

About admin

Rev Sandy Boyce is a Uniting Church in Australia Minister (Deacon). This blog may be a help to people planning worship services.
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