
2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10: The people of Israel join the people of Judah in making David their king, and so David becomes king over the entire nation. Then David establishes his throne in Jerusalem.
(OR Ezekiel 2:1-5: God commissions Ezekiel to be a prophet to the Israelites and to proclaim to them that though they are hard-hearted and rebellious, and whether they listen or not, they will know that a prophet has been among them)
Psalm 48: A psalm in praise of Jerusalem’s glory which overwhelms even enemy kings who come against it, since the city is protected by God. God’s praise extends to the ends of the earth.
(OR Psalm 123: A prayer for God’s mercy after the mockery and shame that the proud have brought on God’s people, and committing to be attentive to God even as servants are attentive to their masters and mistresses)
2 Corinthians 12:2-10: Paul refuses to boast in anything except his weaknesses, since God has given him a “thorn in his side” to keep him from being conceited, and so he celebrates his weaknesses for it is in them that God’s strength is made perfect.
Mark 6:1-13: Jesus preaches in his home town but the people reject him because they know him, and cannot honour him. Then Jesus sends the twelve out in pairs, with no resources, to preach, and they go, proclaim Jesus’ message, heal, and cast out demons.
(Bible summaries by John van de Laar, Sacredise)

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Readings: 1 Kings 17:8-16 (17-24), Psalm 146, Galatians 1:11-24, Luke 7:11-17

RCL readings (A4 landscape, 2 columns) COCU42C.P3C.RCLreadings&commentary.P

RCL readings with brief commentaries to aid discussion COCU42CP3C.RCLreadings.P

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1 Kings 18:20-21 (22-29), 30-39: Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal
Psalm 96: A song of praise inviting all people to declare God’s glory, and to celebrate that God brings justice to the earth.
Galatians 1:1-12: Paul challenges the Galatians about the ‘gospel’ they are following
Luke 7:1-10: Jesus heals the centurion’s servant Continue reading

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A prayer for the G7 summit

The nations that are meeting in June as part of G7 include Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Of these nations, all seven are top-ranked countries for the highest net wealth per capita, all are leading export countries, and five are on the list of top 10 countries with the largest gold reserves.
(The Australian Prime Minister has been invited as a guest, because Australia is “integral to keeping regional stability afloat in the Indo-Pacific region”)

God, may they hear the old prophet,
and do what is required
of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
United Kingdom and United States,
because of they are part of the world
and because of their
great resources and power –

to do justice … even
when it does not serve self-interest,

to love the kindness
that changes today
and the years to come,

and, hardest of all, to walk humbly,
seeing the holy in every face
in every country on earth,
and in the face
of the earth itself. Amen.

(Source: Maren Tirabassi, Gifts in Open Hands)

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UN World Oceans Day – June 8th

The 2021 theme for World Oceans Day is The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods. The focus is on how the ocean is our life-source and supports humanity and every other organism on Earth. World Oceans Day reminds every one of the major role the oceans have in everyday life. They are the lungs of our planet and a major source of food and medicine and a critical part of the biosphere.

The purpose of the Day is to inform the public of the impact of human actions on the ocean, develop a worldwide movement of citizens for the ocean, and mobilize and unite the world’s population on a project for the sustainable management of the world’s oceans.

Sing a new song, for God has done wonderful things! Sing to God all the earth, sing praise and songs of joy! Let the oceans roar and all the creatures that live within it give praise! (Psalm 98 adapted)

The ocean covers over 70% of the planet. It is our life source, supporting humanity’s sustenance and that of every other organism on earth. The ocean produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen, it is home to most of earth’s biodiversity, and is the main source of protein for more than a billion people around the world. Not to mention, the ocean is key to our economy with an estimated 40 million people being employed by ocean-based industries by 2030.
Even though all its benefits, the ocean is now in need of support. With 90% of big fish populations depleted, and 50% of coral reefs destroyed, we are taking more from the ocean than can be replenished. To protect and preserve the ocean and all it sustains, we must create a new balance, rooted in true understanding of the ocean and how humanity relates to it. We must build a connection to the ocean that is inclusive, innovative, and informed by lessons from the past.
2021 launches a decade of challenges to get the Sustainable Development Goal 14, “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources”, by 2030. 

Of course the call extends to all of us to become highly protective of our seas and waterways in order to help ensure a healthy home for all! Continue reading

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Iona resource: Winter
A book of helpful resources by Ruth Burgess. It is for Northern Hemisphere winter, so includes key events in the church calendar in the Nov-Jan period (Christmas, Blue Christmas, Advent etc).

Opening Prayer
Holy One,
today the cold wind
chased us from our homes
across the car park
and into the warmth
of this church, the warmth
of your welcoming love, and
the warmth of our community.
As we gather together today,
let us not forget those who are homeless,
and have no warmth awaiting them:
keep us aware and compassionate.
May the fire we kindle here
fill our hearts with your love,
and may we carry it away within us
and warm the hearts of others. Amen. Continue reading

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2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27: In spite of Saul’s persecution of him, David sings a song of grief for Saul’s death, and that of Jonathan. David’s respect and praise for Saul, and his love for Jonathan, are expressed in the beauty of the poetry, and no anger or hatred of Saul is present in David’s grief at all.
Psalm 130: A cry to God for redemption and rescue, in which hope in God’s faithful love is expressed.
2 Corinthians 8:7-15: Paul encourages the Corinthian Christians to share their abundance with others who are less fortunate. He explains that he doesn’t want them to go without for the sake of others, but rather that their surplus can help others who have lack. In time the situation may be reversed and this ensures that all have enough and are equal.
Mark 5:21-43: Jesus is asked by a synagogue leader, Jairus, to go with him to heal his daughter. On his way, a woman who has been bleeding for twelve years touches him and is healed. After insisting that she make herself known, and speaking words of grace to her, he goes on to Jairus’ house, where his daughter has now died. Then Jesus raises her from the dead to the amazement of all.
(Summary of Bible readings by John van de Laar, Sacredise)

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See also UCA Anniversary and Refugee Week resources

1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23): The Israelites are taunted by the giant Goliath, but the shepherd boy David volunteers to fight him, and defeats by striking him on the forehead with a stone from his sling.
Psalm 9:9-20: A song of faith in God’s care for the poor and weak, and a plea for God to bring down the wicked, reveal to the nations that they are merely human, and rescue the psalmist from his enemies so that he can praise God again.
2 Corinthians 6:1-13: Paul pleads with the Corinthian Christians that they would accept that the time of salvation is now, and that they would open their hearts to the apostles, because they have proven themselves through committed ministry and faithful service in spite of the terrible suffering and difficulties they have endured.
Mark 4:35-41: Jesus asks the disciples to take him across the lake in their boat, but as they sail across, with Jesus sleeping in the boat, a storm breaks out. In their terror, they wake Jesus and he calms the storm, causing them to wonder who he is.
(Summaries by John van de Laar, Sacredise)

Handout of readings – landscape, double sided format COCU44B.Readings

Andrew Prior’s thought provoking sermon is here.
Rev Dr Avril Hannah-Jones sermon (2018) is here.
Rev Dr Paul Walton sermon (2018) here. Continue reading

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1 Samuel 15:34-16:13
God tells Samuel that God has rejected Saul as king, and God instructs Samuel to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as king. Samuel sees the eldest of the sons and thinks that one of them must be the king, but God tells him that God does not see as human beings do. Then David, the youngest son, is called and anointed to be king over Israel.
Psalm 20
A prayer that God may provide and protect, bringing victory and success to the king, and ensuring that the one who trusts in God remains steadfast.
2 Corinthians 5:6-10, (11-13), 14-17
Followers of Christ live by faith and not by sight, and do everything with the view to please God. Although we may at times seem crazy, we are controlled by Christ’s love. So we no longer live our old life, but a new one in Christ for whom we live, and who was raised for us.
Mark 4:26-34:Jesus shares two parables of God’s Reign using the metaphor of seeds. In the first, he speaks about a farmer who plants seeds without knowing how they grow. In the second, he describes how the small mustard seed grows to become a large plant in which birds can nest.
(Summaries of Bible readings by John van de Laar on Sacredise)

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As ‘ordinary time’ returns after the Lent and Easter cycle, we return to semi-continuous reading of Mark’s Gospel. The lectionary also follows 2 Corinthians.
Psalm 138
Praise and thanksgiving for God’s unfailing love, God’s promises, God’s answers to prayer, and God’s protection.
1 Samuel 8: 4-11, (12-15), 16-20; (11: 14-15)
The people of Israel demand a king and God concedes, instructing Samuel to tell them how hard it will be to have a king ruling over them. Then Saul is appointed as king.
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Paul explains his hope and faith in God that compels him to preach, for as God raised Christ, so God will raise all who believe in Christ. This gives us hope and perseverance in the face of the troubles we must deal with in this life.
Mark 3:20-35
In response to the religious teachers who claim that Jesus is possessed by a demon, Jesus teaches that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, and that Satan cannot fight against Satan. Then, when his mother and brothers come asking for him, Jesus declares that all who do God’s will are his siblings and parents.
(Summary of Bible readings by John van de Laar, Sacredise)

*This week there are alternate readings – Genesis 3:8-15 is paired with Psalm 130. Rev Roddy Hamilton has some wonderful prayers/reflections based on the Genesis reading. 

Printed version of readings, landscape folded format, COCU42B Readings
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