2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10: The people of Israel join the people of Judah in making David their king, and so David becomes king over the entire nation. Then David establishes his throne in Jerusalem.
(OR Ezekiel 2:1-5: God commissions Ezekiel to be a prophet to the Israelites and to proclaim to them that though they are hard-hearted and rebellious, and whether they listen or not, they will know that a prophet has been among them)
Psalm 48: A psalm in praise of Jerusalem’s glory which overwhelms even enemy kings who come against it, since the city is protected by God. God’s praise extends to the ends of the earth.
(OR Psalm 123: A prayer for God’s mercy after the mockery and shame that the proud have brought on God’s people, and committing to be attentive to God even as servants are attentive to their masters and mistresses)
2 Corinthians 12:2-10: Paul refuses to boast in anything except his weaknesses, since God has given him a “thorn in his side” to keep him from being conceited, and so he celebrates his weaknesses for it is in them that God’s strength is made perfect.
Mark 6:1-13: Jesus preaches in his home town but the people reject him because they know him, and cannot honour him. Then Jesus sends the twelve out in pairs, with no resources, to preach, and they go, proclaim Jesus’ message, heal, and cast out demons.
(Bible summaries by John van de Laar, Sacredise)
Singing from the Lectionary
Praying 2 Corinthians 12: 1–10 – A Confession
Who can fathom what it truly means that you are God?
In this limited existence as humans in a vast universe
constrained by three dimensions,
How can we really know what there is in your domain.
Forgive our hubris when we think to know you more than we do.
Forgive us for any arrogance of thinking that we know
what heaven might be like or who might be going there.
Forgive us when we boast,
For, despite all the good that we think that we do,
We all fall short of your glory,
And are reliant on your grace.
As Paul reminds us, let us be known for what we do and say.
Forgive us when our actions, behaviour and speech
diminish your name,
When the way we relate with others and the world lacks love.
Forgive us when we fail to be humble,
May we cry to you in our hardship,
But not think to judge you or your love or care when we fail
to have our troubles or afflictions miraculously taken away.
May we have the faith to find your purpose,
To see you at work,
And even if the struggles that we face are not of your making,
May we see you at work in our lives for good,
Strengthening us in our weakness,
And bearing us through our suffering.
Humbly we bring our confession to you.Amen.
(Source: Jon Humphries, Prayers that Unite)
Praying 2 Corinthians 12: 1-10 – Prayers of Petition
Compassionate Christ,
Be with all who suffer,
Those whose thorn in the flesh of their existence is disease
Those whose thorn in their side is mental ill-health
Those whose thorn is loneliness
Those whose thorn is addiction,
Those whose thorn is poverty,
As the Spirit bring them comfort and the power to cope.
Be with all who lead,
Those who are looked up to for wisdom
Those who are looked up to for action
Those who are looked to for change
Those who are looked to for assurance
Those who are looked to for teaching
All who potentially have power to affect and influence others,
As the Spirit bring them wisdom and humility of purpose.
Be with all who disciple us in the way,
Those who pray for us,
Those who set before us a good example
Those who bring us your Word
Those who share their faith
Those who embody your love
Those who inspire us with compassion
Those who are prophetic
As the Spirit, may they know only you and let go of vain or selfish ambition,
Serving all in your way.
Be with those who are puffed up with vain pride and self-interest,
Those who hoard their wealth
Those who stand in judgement of others
Those who claim power which is not their own
Those who abuse and mistreat others
Those who relish their sinfulness
Those who perpetrate violence of thought and action
As Spirit lead them into repentance and the truth of your love.
Be with us,
Those here
Those in other places
As Spirit lead us in your will,
For you are our God
And we seek to join with you in your work in the world,
Now and into your Kingdom.
(Source: Jon Humphries)
Prayer of Intercession
“My grace is sufficient for you,for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
Gracious and loving God, we come to you with hearts that need to be opened to your word and your love. There is so much around us that tears at us and causes us to tremble. Keep us ever mindful of your presence and the hope that you have given us in your Son Jesus Christ.
Guide us, we pray, as your church, struggling to spread the good news. Keep us focused on the mission and ministry to which you have called us and lead us forward. We know, Lord, that there will often be bumps and holes in the road along the way. Save us from dwelling on them and make us secure in the goals you have placed before us.
Hear our prayers for all who need your tender touch of healing in their lives – those we name before you each day, and those who are known only to you in the depths of our hearts. Be with those who mourn. May we all remember the love and grace that your faithful people have brought to our world.
We pray for all your creation, always at odds with one another. Guide our leaders and those of other nations that this world might truly be as you created it to be – a world of peace, hope and love.
These are our prayers, together with those that lie on the hearts of all your faithful people, which we offer to you in the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, who said “not my will, but thine be done.”
(Source: Life in Liturgy.
Benediction: Go, proclaim the love of God
Go now, and wherever people will hear you,
proclaim the life-changing love of God.
Do not fear your weakness,
for when you are weakest, Christ’s strength is known.
Travel lightly, live simply,
and honour those who welcome the gospel.
And may God be your protection and safe haven;
May the power of Christ Jesus dwell in you;
and may the Holy Spirit be your guide forever.
We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
In the name of Christ. Amen.
(Source: Nathan Nettleton