There are church leaders from South Sudan in the Uniting Church in Australia and six other denominations and seven different states. Rev. Amel Manyon and Rev. Paul Dau are Uniting Church Ministers, originally from South Sudan. Amel was the first Sudanese woman ordained in the Uniting Church.
Sudanese people have experienced the devastating trauma of war, fleeing as refugees, and the challenges of re-settlement in Australia. They hold the hope of working together for peace and unity within the Australian diaspora community.
In a 2018 consultation in Canberra consultation agreed upon four significant affirmations:
1. We are called by faith to love our neighbour (Mark 12:30-31), to forgive our enemies (Mark 11:25), and to be one (John 17:21).
2. We acknowledge the impact of war in giving rise to conflicting loyalties based on tribe, denomination and nationality within South Sudan and within the South Sudanese diaspora in Australia.
3. We resolve to build unity, and model “one people”, within the diaspora in Australia.
4. We long for there to be, and we pray for, peace and unity within the leadership and people of South Sudan based on universal values of good government. This longing focuses our prayers.
Intercessions from the WCC ecumenical prayer cycle
We are thankful for:
* how the churches in Sudan and in South Sudan, as well as Ecumenical Network Sudan, have consistently pursued peace processes, healing and reconciliation in these war-ravaged countries;
* those who work to bring justice for the victims of genocide and war crimes, including the International Criminal Court
* the many who carry out humanitarian work and who settle those who are displaced
We pray for:
* a cessation of ethnic animosities and violence, and increased understanding between ethnic and religious groups;
* an end to the rape and practices of genital mutilation of girls and women
governments to respect the will and best interests of their people and the human rights of all;
* natural resources to be preserved and the land saved from further desertification.
Prayer for South Sudan
Our Heavenly Father,
We come into your presence with thanksgiving and gratitude for your grace, mercy and love in South Sudan.
We know things are not going so well in the country, but we believe that You will do the changes in Your own time.
We trust that South Sudan belongs to you, and therefore we surrender all things into your hand in faith.
For in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
(© 2014 Beatrice M. Mamuzi)
Prayer for peace
Bless, O Lord, those who hear your word and believe it.
We pray for the people who are in remote areas,
and live in fear of the world of spirits,
that they will know your power as Saviour of the world.
Bring peace to our land
and all parts of the world that are disturbed,
so that the gospel of salvation may be preached to all humankind.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
(Episcopal Church of Sudan. PEW #123.)