This was an initiative of the World Council of Churches, the All-Africa Council of Churches and the World Evangelical Alliance in 2017 and repeated in 2018 (June 10th). Still trying to work out the specific date for 2019, but of course could be a focus anytime! General information for 2018 here.
The Global Day of Prayer invites Christians to “stand in solidary with our sisters and brothers to support them to realize a future free of extreme poverty, hunger and violence.” The day’s purpose is to unite faith communities around the world as a prayer and spiritual movement to:
* Promote prayer, reflection and action with information and suggestions.
* Bring awareness regarding famine’s impact on the most vulnerable children and families, and help address its root causes.
* Connect with church-related and other humanitarian organizations that are currently working to bring immediate relief and positive long-term change so children and families can live out God’s aspiration for a dignified, peaceful and violence-free future.
* Help communities and congregations uphold each other in prayer and support, by sharing experiences, challenge and solutions.
After years of steady progress in reducing world hunger, the number of hungry people globally has started to climb. Famine, drought and armed conflict are making millions of our sisters and brothers hungry, homeless and vulnerable to conflicts, violence and abuse.
Prayer is an important way Canadian Christians can stand in solidarity with their sisters and brothers around the world who do not get enough to eat. Prayers of solidarity rooted in our hearts and minds lead to action as we seek to live out the teaching and example of Jesus.
In 2017 over 20 million people in South Sudan, northern Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen were at risk of famine, a number unprecedented in modern history. Although famine was mostly averted through the provision of critical humanitarian assistance, risk continues to be high for millions of people to experience famine or severe hunger.
O Lord, open our eyes;
Help us to perceive the needs of people who are hungry.
O Lord, open our hearts and minds;
Help us to be one with those who are experiencing famine and are in desperate situations.
O Lord, open our hearts and minds;
Forgive us for the inaction and for the insufficient responses to the needs of the hungry and the thirsty
O Lord, strengthen us to advocate and mobilize action to overcome hunger;
Help us to respond to those in need, sharing our resources and urging others to do the same.
(Source: World Council of Churches)