And it’s YES!
Postal Prayers – an Australian vote regarding Same Sex Marriage.
16 million ballot papers were posted out to determine how Australians feel about the question, “Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?” Yes or No. The postal survey was basically a huge opinion poll to gauge the views of Australians on same-sex marriage which MIGHT lead to a vote in Parliament. Only that vote can actually make same-sex marriage legal. Now a majority of people have voted in favour in the postal survey, a bill will be presented to Parliament and voted on which will make same-sex marriage legal.
Christians for Marriage Equality – prayers
I offer this
not so I might be heard
but that others may have voice
I offer this
not because I may be right
but because all have rights
I offer this
not for what I believe
but so all may feel free to
I offer this
not because I understand
but because I seek to
I offer this
not because my story is normative
but because others’ stories make me
I offer this
not because anything goes
but because some things matter
I offer this
not because change is inevitable
but because Love makes all things new
(Source: Craig Mitchell, Facebook, September 2017)
A prayer on the casting of my ballot
Lord, if I am too strong,
if I make others feel they don’t belong,
if I’m simply wrong,
forgive me.
Lord, if I am too weak,
if I sometimes fail to speak,
if it’s some other god I seek,
forgive me.
Lord, as you are the light,
grant me not to fear or fight,
and never to lose sight,
that you forgive me. Amen.
(Source: Michael Earl, posted on Facebook by Peter Overton)
The following reflections have been penned by Rev Dr Amelia Koh-Butler, and she has offered them to be used widely.
(Originally posted on Amelia’s blogsite Hyphenated Faith).
1. Words for the Post
Word of Life,
You challenge us to use our words to create or destroy,
to bring life-hope or experiences of death to others.
May we treasure the sharing of one little word…
So small, yet carrying such great meaning.
Word of Life,
You gave your life that others may live.
We praise and thank you that you sacrificed relationship
so that we might discover holy, lifelong, committed relationships.
Word of Life,
You set up the Bridegroom image
and Your Spirit allows us all to be Bride.
We thank you that you invite us all,
(no matter our orientations nor our sense of identity),
to claim a seat at your table
and dwell in your holy household.
Thanks be to God!
2. For Posties
God of Angels,
Let my postie be an angel today.
Fill her/his post bag with affirmations.
Make our world a brighter place.
After the rain of tears and threatening thunder
let us see the rainbows fill the sky.
May my postie not get caught in weather,
But let her/him carry hope of Heaven.
3. For Our Union
I thank you, Holy One,
For my Beloved.
I thank you, Holy Other,
For the blessing you have bestowed on us.
I thank you, Creator,
That you generate life in our relationship.
May others come to know your love in our witness.
4. For those who are Confused
We pray especially for those who are confused or confounded.
We pray for those who do not know how to behave well or find their reference.
We pray for Wisdom to touch people’s hearts and souls.
We pray for clarity of thinking, of speech and of your mercy.
We pray your blessing on those who are struggling most.
Come – Holy Spirit – Come!
5. For the Haters
God – I do not know how to forgive the Haters.
I feel the Hate rise up in response
and I confess I feel like I am losing my capacity to love.
So, I ask you to help me forgive.
Help me not to be so bound up in the words and actions of Haters.
Help me to be liberated of the obstacles that prevent your grace to flow.
Help me to love – even if it is just a little.
Forgive me, God, so I may learn to forgive others.
6. For Anxious Couples
Healing God,
who hears the cries of those who long for justice,
Grant our friends peace.
We long to share joy with one another,
but right now, merciful God,
we ask for comfort and hope.
We ask you to grant rest to those who struggle to sleep.
We ask for calmness when provoked.
We ask for signs of encouragement,
that the days may be filled with possibility rather than fear.
God rest upon our friends.