

We are the locked door,
the stone not rolled away.
You invite us to cross through waters,
walk dry roads
look towards transformation
in every wilderness

We want other gods, other commodities—
depth without the daily searching.
You offer us a simple table
and the words,
follow me.

You believe we will.

We choose a meager vision, [2]
hold tight to the catch of our nets.
You tell a story that asks,
Which one was the neighbor?

You believe we understand.

We are perplexed
when you appear in our untended gardens.
You say, peace,
to all our uncertainty.
You show that new life
comes with time, with practice,
and the sowing, however small,
of stubborn hope.

You believe we will grow.

[1]“Rebirth” by Keri K. Wehlander. Reprinted from Weavings XXII/2, March/April 2007, “Abide in Me.”



About admin

Rev Sandy Boyce is a Uniting Church in Australia Minister (Deacon). This blog may be a help to people planning worship services.
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