(see also Year B, Baptism of Jesus and Year C, Baptism of Jesus)
Isaiah 42:1-9
Psalm 29
Acts 10: 34-43
Matthew 3:13-17
Baptise Us Christ
Baptise us Christ.
Baptise us into your faith.
Baptise us in your communion.
Baptise us into your family.
Baptise us in the flow of life.
Baptise us in compassion.
Baptise us in the work of mercy and justice.
Baptise us through your Spirit, beyond the waters of our baptism,
Baptise us completely in the way of your cross.
Baptise us, Christ.
(Source: Jon Humphries)
Sermons (yes, many, many online, but here’s a small sample of fresh sermons)
Lectionary Lab 2017
Here at Jordan’s river
Here at Jordan’s river all is washed away.
As God’s reign draws nearer, nothing is the same.
Gone are class and status; gone, degrees and fame.
Grace alone can save us on God’s judgment day.
We at Jordan’s river meet on level ground.
Valleys are uplifted; mountains fall to earth.
None dare trust their lineage;
None need doubt their worth.
Still the prophet asks us, “Will you turn around?”
God, reform, renew, us; turn us toward your will.
Till our hearts for learning; root us in your word.
May the fruits of action grow from all we’ve heard.
As we lose our old lives, God, be with us still.
(Source: Ruth Duck, Tune: Noel Nouvelet, TiS 382 Now the Green Blade Rises)
Down By the Jordan
Tune: LOBE DEN HERREN (“Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty”)
Down by the Jordan, a prophet named John was baptizing,
Preaching a message the people found bold and surprising:
“God will forgive! Show that you’ll change how you live!
Surely God’s new day is rising!”
There by the river, the crowd came with great expectation:
“Are you God’s Chosen One, sent here to rescue our nation?”
“No!” John replied. “He who is mightier than I
Judges and offers salvation.”
Jesus, you went to be baptized along with the others,
Taking your place among sinners, God’s lost sons and daughters.
Then with great love, God’s Spirit came as a dove!
Your work began in those waters.
Here in the Church, we are baptized and filled with God’s Spirit.
Freed and forgiven, we’re welcomed with joy! Can you hear it?
This is God’s sign! This is how God says, “You’re mine!”
Let’s take the good news and share it!
(Source: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, Songs of Grace: New Hymns for God and Neighbor, Upper Room Books, 2009, bcgillette@comcast.net, www.carolynshymns.com)
O Radiant Christ, Incarnate Word
O radiant Christ, incarnate Word,
eternal love revealed in time:
come, make your home within our hearts,
that we may dwell in light sublime.
Our bartered, busy lives burn dim,
too tired to care, too numb to feel.
Come, shine upon our shadowed world:
your radiance bathes with power to heal.
Your glory shone at Jordan’s stream,
the font where we were born anew.
Attune your church to know you near;
illumine all we say and do.
O Light of Nations, fill the earth;
our faith and hope and love renew.
Come, lead the peoples to your peace,
as stars once led the way to you.”
(Source: Words, Ruth Duck; Tune: Wareham)
Christ is our light
Christ is our light! the bright and morning star
covering with radiance all from near and far.
Christ be our light, shine on, shine on we pray
into our hearts, into our world today.
Christ is our love! baptised that we may know
the love of God among us, swooping low.
Christ be our love, bring us to turn our face
and see in you the light of heaven’s embrace.
Christ is our joy! transforming wedding guest!
Through water turned to wine the feast was blessed.
Christ be our joy; your glory let us see,
as your disciples did in Galilee.
(Words: Leith Fisher; Tune: Highland Cathedral)