Hope – Rabbi Hugo Gryn

Tom Long tells the story of Rabbi Hugo Gryn, one of the most respected rabbis in Great Britain.

As a boy, he and his family were imprisoned in Auschwitz.  Orthodox, any observance would bring greater danger to them, but Hugo’s father insisted that the Sabbath as well as the festivals be kept. Hugo remembered the time when, to observe the Sabbath, his
father took a piece of string and placed it in a bit of butter to
make a shabat candle.  Watching him light it, Hugo became
furious and said, ‘Father, that is all the butter we have!’

His father replied, ‘Without food, we can live for weeks.
But we cannot live for a minute without hope.’

About admin

Rev Sandy Boyce is a Uniting Church in Australia Minister (Deacon). This blog may be a help to people planning worship services.
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