COCU20C.Lent 2C

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18: Abram’s faith leads him into relationship with God (righteousness) and God makes a covenant with Abram, promising him that he will have a son to be his heir, and descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky.

Psalm 27: A song of assurance for God’s protection and care, expressing the longing to live in God’s sanctuary and find refuge there. In addition, the psalmist asks for God’s mercy and rescue from his enemies.

Philippians 3:17-4:1: Paul’s encouragement for believers to stay true for the sake of Christ, and to remember their heavenly priorities, following his example of faithfulness.

Luke 13:31-35: Jesus is warned that Herod wants to kill him, and dismisses this as his face is set toward Jerusalem. Then he laments over the city which fails to heed the prophets.
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IWD – International Women’s Day (March 8 each year)

Friday March 8th 2024

Song: Women Rock
Traditional Hymn: Rock of Ages

Women free and women bound
join to turn this world around!
In your laughter and your song,
Speak your truth to the wrongs!
Every woman, every girl:
time to rock, and change the world!

From the stories from the past
we can free ourselves at last.
Share the table, share the bread.
Share the wine ‘til all are fed.
Every woman, every girl:
time to rock, and change the world!

Women with their courage strong
walk a road that’s been too long.
Struggling for the right to choose
much to win and more to lose.
For the rights of every girl,
women rock, and change the world!

Til the last can walk with pride,
arm in arm and side by side,
without fear, their heads held high,
half the shoulders holding sky,
every woman, every girl,
we will rock, and change the world.
© 2015 gretta vosper

An International Women’s Day Prayer
Today we honour the women of all times and places,
Women of courage,
Women of hope,
Women of suffering,
Women of mourning,
Women living fully,
Women experiencing joy,
Women delighting in life,
Women knowing the interconnectedness of the human family,
Women promoting human flourishing,
Women boldly leading the transformation of unjust global structures,
Women seeking and sharing wisdom and love,
Loving God, we celebrate your faithfulness and love,
On this day we celebrate the promotion of the full humanity of all women everywhere,
We know that whatever denies or distorts the full humanity is not of God,
Help us to be faithful to your call to love all of humanity equally,
In your holy name we pray, Amen .
(Source: Tané Theron, Christian Ethos and Chapel Prefect, Ravenswood School for Girls)

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Deuteronomy 26:1-11: Instructions to bring the first produce from each crop as a thanksgiving offering to God, and a recognition of God’s care, provision and liberation of God’s people in the past and the present.

Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16: A psalm celebrating God’s care and protection of those who dwell in God, and make God’s presence their safe refuge.

Romans 10:8b-13: The message of faith in Christ that ensures that we will never be disgraced, because all who call on God’s name are saved.

Luke 4:1-13: Jesus is tempted by the devil in the wilderness. He is challenged to turn stones into food, to jump from the top of the temple, and to gain all the world’s wealth and glory by bowing to the tempter. But, he resists, using God’s word as his guide.
(Bible reading summary, John van de Laar, Sacredise)
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World Day of Prayer (1st Friday in March)

(held annually, first Friday of March)
The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. It is run under the motto “Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action,” and is celebrated annually in over 170 countries on the first Friday in March. The movement aims to bring together people of various races, cultures and traditions in a yearly common Day of Prayer, as well as in closer fellowship, understanding and action throughout the year.

The 2023 service will be prepared by the women of Taiwan on the theme ‘I have heard about your faith’ (Ephesians 1.15)

Downloadable resources for 2022 here. 2022 theme: ‘I know the plans I have for you.’

The theme is God’s promise to his people in exile in Babylon, found in the book of Jeremiah 29:11: `For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the LORD, `Plans to prosper you and not harm you, Plans to give you hope and a future.’

In the midst of all the uncertainties we are living under due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the WDP 2022 theme emerges like a balm of confidence. It is an invitation to place our trust in God in times of suffering. The program is based on the letter that the prophet Jeremiah wrote to the exiles in Babylonia. The exiles were in a context of suffering, uncertainty, and opposing views on how to respond to the moment. Today, we come together to hear the stories of women who feel excluded, listen to the fear of a child refugee and learn to see the context of a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-faith society in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (EWNI).

Program written by the ​World Day of Prayer Committee of ​England, Wales & Northern Ireland for WDP 2022.

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COCU18C.Ash Wednesday

ash wed image

Walking in the fragility of life
Ash Wednesday and Lent
started and marked
with ashes on the forehead
as a symbol of the fragility of life
Between floods in Australia and landslides in Brazil
In the midst of bomb explosions and gun attacks in Ukraine
We are stunned, silent and mute
by the fragility of life
Natural disasters
humanitarian disaster
separated the living from the dead
The fragility of life
woke us up
life needs to be lived
with sanity. 
(Source: Rev Dr Apwee Ting, Uniting Church in Australia, 2022)

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Scroll down for prayers for Ukraine. Also some prayers here (prayers for peace) may be helpful.

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International Holocaust Remembrance Day Jan 27th

International Holocaust Remembrance Day (in memory of the victims), 27 January – some helpful resources here.

Today we remember the horrific events of the Holocaust, the victims and the survivors. We do so to ensure these events are never repeated. We all have a responsibility to ensure prejudice and hatred are not able to take root in our society.

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Year C calendar

Summary of links to each week in the lectionary.

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Calendar of special days/months and events

(under construction)
A compilation of special days/months, and events which may be a focus to include in worship. Integrating community foci and community concerns is one way of engaging the biblical narrative and worship with what is happening in the world, and the community conversation.

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Father Chris Sermon – COCU11C.Epiphany 2

(Father Chris is a priest of the Anglican Church of Australia, serving as Rector of Darling January 2022)

The story of the Wedding at Cana is a fun, funny story. There’s a Monty Python sketch in the aftermath. ‘We ran out of booze so that Jesus bloke zapped us some more. So we’re left with 472 litres of red wine in the containers that are supposed to hold water for ritual washing before meals. Now the containers are ruined, and soon the wine will be ruined because they containers aren’t airtight. Could we bottle the wine? No we can’t, because glass bottles haven’t been invented yet! What about goon bags? Likewise – not invented yet.’

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