International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) – first Sunday in Nov

IDOP is recognised on the first Sunday in November each year, dedicated to the saints and martyrs of the Christian faith, and for persecuted and displaced people around the world. IDOP website here. It is also the closest Sunday to All Saints Day.

As we gather in prayer, we are reminded that different ideologies, rising religious fanaticism, oppressive governments, and the horrors of war are putting more and more pressure on Christians and the Church. We have also seen a troubling increase in the failure of Christian organisations dedicated to supporting persecuted believers, putting the future of these individuals in jeopardy.

The sad reality is that religious persecution, ethnic conflicts, economic crisis, and political instability have forced millions of Christians to leave their homes. Those who are displaced often live as hated minorities in hostile communities. They not only suffer persecution but also face constant discrimination that keeps them trapped in poverty. Without access to education and decent jobs, they struggle to provide for their families and often go hungry.

Many of these brothers and sisters continue to suffer in refugee camps, where religiously motivated violence is often ignored by the government, authorities, the media, and the public. Because of this, governments and even aid organisations sometimes unintentionally contribute to the discrimination against displaced Christians.

As we observe IDOP this year, let us fervently pray for these persecuted believers. May our prayers bring them strength and hope, and may our voices rise in unity to advocate for justice on their behalf, until the day we witness Jesus in His full glory.

God, you know
The plight of people far away
Oppressed by governments and vigilantes
In places
Where Christianity is an unpopular choice.
God, you knew
That the day would come here
When truth-telling would be despised
And siding with the oppressed
Part of the road less travelled.
Have mercy, O God,
Upon persecuted Christians there and here
Who are willing to suffer consequences
For speaking your Name
In word or in deed
In defiance or in advocacy.
Grant courage and strength
To all who would dare
To live their convictions out loud. Amen. (UMC Discipleship)

For those who are threatened by persecution, starvation and deadly violence because of their Christian faith…may they be strengthened by their faith in Jesus Christ and our solidarity with them.
That the God of light may inspire leaders of governments to uphold religious freedom and care for the well-being of all people, especially the poor and vulnerable.
For Christians throughout the world who are persecuted for the faith…may they be freed from fear and anxiety and strengthened in their courageous witness…and may peace come to their troubled lands.
For those who have suffered violent death because of their faith…may they now live in the light of God’s face.
(Source: Orlando Diocese)

Ideas for prayers here

An article by Elizabeth Kendal, an international religious liberty analyst and advocate. She serves as Director of Advocacy at Canberra-based Christian Faith and Freedom (CFF), and is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology.

A Prayer for the Persecuted Church
“When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when slandered, we speak kindly.” (1 Corinthians 4:12)
O God, we bring before you this night your servants around the world who face opposition, persecution, torture, imprisonment, and even death because of their loyalty to Christ and His teachings. We cannot begin to fully understand their sufferings, but we seek to stand with them in solidarity and prayer. Spur us on to action, O God. Tonight we seek to be a voice for the voiceless; to work for an end to the suffering caused by religious intolerance; and to be faithful in our daily walk as disciples of Jesus. May Your transforming love call us to prayer, to com- passion, and to action. We pray these things in the strong and holy name of Jesus. Amen.

A prayer for persecuted Christians
Eternal Father, almighty shepherd of your people,
You have promised that those who follow Jesus will be persecuted. We pray for your children around the world who are suffering mistreatment, imprisonment, loss of possessions, and threats of death for their allegiance to you. By your mighty power keep them faithful to you. Be their shield and defence, their refuge and their stronghold.
Shelter them under the shadow of your wings, that they may not fear their enemies. Help us to uphold them in prayer, that together we may walk in the light of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and not be ashamed to confess him as Lord. to the glory of your name, Amen.

Current prayer points for a selection of countries where Christians are being persecuted.

About admin

Rev Sandy Boyce is a Uniting Church in Australia Minister (Deacon). This blog may be a help to people planning worship services.
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