Child Protection Week (1st week every September)

National Child Protection week happens in the first week of September every year. The link will take you to posters, resources and facts sheets which can be downloaded. All congregations are encouraged to take part. 
(UCA – find out more here

National Child Protection Week:   3 – 9 September 2023

Overarching message: ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’

This year National Child Protection Week will continue to champion the message ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’. This message captures the essence of National Child Protection Week which aims to promote a safe and healthy life for every child, now and into the future. 

2023 theme: ‘Where we start matters’. 

In 2023, the message that ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’ will be complemented with the theme ‘Where we start matters’. 

Where we start our lives in terms of where we live, the resources available to us, and the opportunities presented to us make a significant difference to our life outcomes.

Where we start as a service sector in offering children and their families support and assistance makes a significant difference to life outcomes.

Where we start as decision makers in addressing large complex policy problems such as child abuse and neglect, also has a significant personal, social and economic outcomes.

We invite you to use this theme to explore and talk about the many ways that ‘where we start matters’ for children, young people and their families.

Of course where we start isn’t where we finish.

The aim of Child Protection Week is to bring together partners to focus on addressing the significant harms being experienced by children in Australia. By working collectively to change the trajectory of these children and families, we can reduce the number of children who may come in contact with the child protection system. The time to act is now.

You can use this theme in ways that are most relevant to those you work with.

For instance this could include focusing on:

  • Supporting parents to access services so that all families have the opportunity to give every child a great start
  • Supporting organisations to be safe and child-focused so they can give every child a great start
  • Supporting communities and making sure that every neighbourhood has what it needs to give every child a great start

For all those who work in child safety and protection
Christ Jesus,
You welcomed children and brought healing and hope to their lives.
We pray that as your Church, we will create places of welcome, care and safety for all children, reflecting your love and compassion.
God of love and comfort,
We pray for children who have been neglected or abused.
We pray that people will come into their lives who love and nurture them in healing and life-giving ways.
We pray for child safety workers and all those working in child protection.  We thank you for their dedication and the gifts they bring to their vocation to protect and improve the lives of children.
We pray that you will sustain their vision, and uphold them in love and grace.
Christ Jesus, as your church, you call us to be a faithful embodiment of your care and love.
We lament when we have failed to be communities of safety and care.
Challenge and correct us in our failure, and reform our life.
We commit ourselves as your Church to being places of safety, free of abuse and exploitation.
We commit ourselves as your Church to be communities, where people can flourish in ways of trust and love.
We pray that your Spirit will empower us to be advocates for a society in which all children can flourish.
Through Christ, Our Light and Life, we pray, Amen.
(Source: Deidre Palmer, Uniting Church in Australia, 2017)

A prayer for children
Loving God,
we thank you for the care and affection of Jesus,
who placed children in the very centre of his community.
We pray for children, created in your own image and likeness, dwelling places of your Spirit, each one called to experience the freedom of your daughters and sons.
We pray for all children – those in our family homes, those in our community of faith, those in the wider community, those in our global village, those with plenty and those who struggle to survive.
We yearn for the day when all children may know safety and freedom and protection from violence and abuse, when they may bask in constant love, safe from any harm, where they may flourish and be all they can be.
God of all goodness, we hope in you. Inspire us to surround others with gentleness and love and empower us to build a world that no longer knows abuse and violence. Grant us courage to speak out and act when children need protection, care and shelter.
We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Gracious God,
you love and care for all of your children,
especially the smallest and most vulnerable.
We entrust to you the lives of children and adults at risk
who have been sexually abused,
and whose trust and innocence have been destroyed.
Help us to hear their cries of pain
and to take responsibility for those whose lives have been broken.
Help us to recognise the hurt felt by those wounded by abuse,
and the failure to be heard.
We pray that with the help of your grace
communities and families will find understanding and support,
so that now and in the future
their wounds may be healed and they may find lasting peace.
Let your grace and love fall gently now upon our children and adults at risk,
giving them the inner strength, peace and resilience
to seek out assistance when required.
We ask this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.
(Source: Safeguarding Sunday 2021)

Loving God, we thank you for the care and affection of Jesus, who placed children in the very centre of his community. We pray for children, created in your own image and likeness, dwelling places of your Spirit, each one called to experience the freedom of your daughters and sons.
We pray for all children – those in our family homes, those in our community of faith, those in the wider community, those in our global village, those with plenty and those who struggle to survive.
We yearn for the day when all children may know safety and freedom and protection from violence and abuse, when they may bask in constant love, safe from any harm, where they may flourish and be all they can be.
God of all goodness, we hope in you. Inspire us to surround others with gentleness and love and empower us to build a world that no longer knows abuse and violence. Grant us courage to speak out and act when children need protection, care and shelter.
We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. 
(Source: Rose-Anne Reynolds)

A Prayer for National Child Protection Week:

Gracious God,
you said let the children come to me.
The hurt felt by those wounded by abuse weighs heavily upon us.
Often trust has been eroded when institutions failed to appropriately respond to their needs.
Lord, we as your Church stand in need of your healing and help.
We ask you God, to strengthen and guide all in our communities.
Grant us wisdom in our time to make decisions that protect children and the vulnerable.
May our families and communities, through love, generosity,
commitment and patience build stronger communities safe for children.
Let your grace and love fall gently upon our children
giving them the inner strength, peace and resilience they will need for their life’s journey.
We ask you God to help our communities to be resolute in building communities
where our children both flourish and are safe.
We pray this all through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
(Source: Revd Canon Calvin S Frans, Provincial Youth Chaplain)

We pray for the day when all children may know safety, freedom and protection from violence and abuse, safe from any harm, where they can flourish to be all that they can be.
We thank you for the dedication and the gifts of all who work in child care, child safety and in child protection. Guide and direct them all in their efforts.
We ask you to strengthen our Church to be a place of safety, free of abuse, to be communities where all people can flourish in your love, trusting you as their Heavenly Father
(Source: Carolyn Kiss, LCA Tuggeranong)

Lord Jesus,
May we welcome the kingdom of God anew into our hearts and lives,
embracing discipleship and openness to others.
You call us to walk with integrity in the service of others.
May our service be filled with kindness,
and respect for all God’s people,
giving special protection to children and the vulnerable.
May we seek the truth,
Listen to those wounded by abuse,
and choose to act with compassion and justice.
Give us the strength,
to serve humbly and faithfully, and to love one another
as we are so loved by You. Amen
(Source: St Anthony & St Luke’s Catholic Parish, Qld)

Today on Child Protection Sunday we present our prayers to a loving and compassionate God, as we work together to create safe and protective environments where children and young people flourish. That leaders of our Church work to foster justice for all. May they lead our church in the way of truth and may they follow the example of Pope Francis and reach out to survivors of abuse with the love and compassion of Christ.
Lord hear us.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
That we acknowledge our community, on occasions, has not been a safe place. May we work to ensure that policies and procedures are implemented to protect children, young people and the vulnerable in our society.
Lord hear us.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
That as we continue to reflect upon the actions that brought about the Royal Commission, we respond to the call to conversion. May we do everything possible to help survivors achieve justice, healing and reconciliation.
Lord hear us:
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
That families grow stronger in their love for one another so that children are raised in safe and nurturing environments.
Lord hear us.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
That those who have died experience the radiance and joy of God’s kingdom.
Lord hear us.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer
Loving Creator we ask you to surround your people with compassion. Protect us from all harm and help us walk always in the way of your Son, Jesus Christ who lives and reigns forever and ever.
(Source: Catholic Church Truth Justice Healing Council)

This (2018) hymn is in response to the latest news of abuse by clergy; it was written with input from survivors and counsellors. The hymn also references Pope Francis’ August 20th letter, using in particular: “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26). Permission is given for its free use.

O God, When Trust is Shattered

PASSION CHORALE (“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”)

O God, when trust is shattered
by wolves among your sheep,
when youth and children suffer,
when those remembering weep,
when victims tell their stories,
when leaders hide abuse,
bring healing, love and mercy!
Bring justice, God of truth!

When leaders side with evil,
when people do their worst,
may we reach out to victims
and put their healing first.
If any member suffers,
we all will suffer, too.
Bring healing, love and mercy!
Bring justice, God of truth!

We pray that the abusers
will learn sin’s awful cost,
and— making no excuses—
will know that they are lost.
Then may they find redemption—
as we all need it, too.
Bring healing, love and mercy!
Bring justice, God of truth!

May all who serve in churches
be careful, watchful, wise.
May we prevent abuses
and hear your children’s cries.
We pray that institutions
will seek your way anew.
Bring healing, love and mercy!
Bring justice, God of truth!

Tune: Hans Leo Hassler, 1601; harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach, 1729
Text: Copyright (c) 2018 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Email: New Hymns:

About admin

Rev Sandy Boyce is a Uniting Church in Australia Minister (Deacon). This blog may be a help to people planning worship services.
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