COCU6B.Christmas 1B

Note: COCU relates to a way of coding for the lectionary year.

Isaiah 61: 10-62:3 (the good news of deliverance)
God will show all nations God’s justice, and Zion will be saved and will blaze with God’s glory.
Psalm 148 (A call for the universe to praise God)
A psalm calling all creation and all people to praise God, for God’s greatness, and for strengthening God’s people.
Galatians 4:4-7 (No longer a slave but an heir)
At the right time God sent God’s son to become human, born of a woman, and now God has given us God’s Spirit by which we can know intimacy with God as with a parent.
Luke 2: 22-40 (Jesus is presented in the temple)
Mary and Joseph go to the temple to dedicate Jesus, and Simeon prophecies that this boy is the awaited Christ, and that a sword would pierce Mary’s soul. Then the widow Anna comes along and begins to praise God and tell others about the boy.

WCC prayer cycle – prayers for Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine.

First Thoughts on the Old Testament Readings of the RCL

Bill Loader’s First Thoughts on the New Testament readings here.

WCC prayers (Week 52: 21-27 December)
Let us pray with the people of Ghana, Nigeria: “O Lord, we beseech thee to deliver us from fear of the unknown future: from fear of failure, poverty, bereavement, loneliness, sickness, pain, age and death. Help us by thy grace to love and fear thee only. Fill our hearts with cheerful courage and loving trust in thee; through our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. AMEN.” (From ‘With All God’s People’, WCC Geneva)

Here’s a great story related to prayers for Nigeria (2014): More than 200 Muslim youth volunteers are part of those protecting Christians from any attack during church services to celebrate this year’s Christmas, says Pastor Yohanna Buru. According to him, the feat is the first of its kind after the series of crises that rocked the state in recent past. Buru said the essence of that was to protect the Christian worshippers as part of effort to strengthen peaceful co-existence between Muslims and Christians in the state. He noted the initiative was an indication that peace has come to stay in the state, saying the measure will strengthen a lasting peace between the two religions. He also prayed God to continue to bring about peace in the country the country, praying that other citizens would emulate the gesture. He urged Nigerians to learn to live in peace with one another irrespective of ethnic or religious differences.

We invoke you, Spirit of Unity, transform our divisions and reshape our vision.
All of creation, all living beings, cry in the midst of injustice and brokenness.
Spirit of Unity, reconcile your people.
We invoke you, Spirit of Unity, heal the wounds of our history,
remove from us all that sustains our present divisions.
Unstop our ears to hear your call for unity.
(From: ‘In God’s Hands’, WCC Geneva). See other WCC prayer resources here.

For more, click on the link……

WCC PrayersWeek 1: 26 December to 03 January
Let us pray with the people of Egypt, Israel and the Occupied Territories including Jerusalem, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria: “Pray not for Arab or Jew, for Palestinian or Israeli, but pray rather for yourselves that you may not divide them in your prayers but keep them both together in your hearts; through Christ our Lord. AMEN”
(from ‘With All God’s People’, WCC Geneva)

Prayer of praise and adoration
Holy God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
let our first prayer be to you words of praise:
Praise for the joy of Christmas;
praise for the embodiment of living hope in the life of Jesus;
praise for the wonder of angels and shepherds,
praise for the experience of the young and the old,
praise for the faith-full and the faith-empty,
praise for the exuberant and the weary.
However this new day finds us,
let praise be found:
loud and clear, quiet and gentle.
May our praise shine through our singing;
may our praise glow through our adoration;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(by Rev. Dr Derek Browning, Church of Scotland, ‘Starters For Sunday’, 2014, adapted)


Angels, from the realms of glory,
wing your flight o’er all the earth;
heralds of creation’s story,
now proclaim Messiah’s birth
Come and worship Christ, the newborn King,
come and worship, worship Christ the newborn King.

Shepherds in the fields abiding,
watching over flocks by night
God with us is now residing:
yonder shines the infant Light … /Refrain/

Wise men, leave your contemplations,
brighter visions beam afar;
seek the great Desire of nations,
you have seen his natal star … /Refrain/

Saints, before the altar bending,
watching long in hope and fear,
suddenly the Lord descending,
in his temple shall appear … /Refrain/

Though an infant now we view him,
he shall fill his Father’s throne,
gather all the nations to him:
every knee shall then bow down … /Refrain/

Words: James Montgomery (1771-1854, alt.)
Music: French traditional melody
Arranged by: Martin Shaw (1875-1958)

Prayer of confession
Forgive those times when our praise has been lacklustre, empty or without thought.
Forgives us when we leave our praise behind in Church,
and forget to bring it into our daily lives.
Forgive us, whatever these days of Christmas have been,when we have overlooked the faith that gives meaning to this time of year.
A silence is kept
We return now, to you, seeking mercy,
and seeking the presence of the Christ-Child,
that our hearts might be refreshed,
and our faith reinvigorated.
God of the shepherds’ field, and the stable, and the Temple,
God of the family and God of the single,
God of the bright lights and God of the darker places,
come to us now with hope and with blessing,
accepting our praise through words and song and silence,
shaping our actions into the reality of your love
working in our world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(by Rev. Dr Derek Browning, Church of Scotland, ‘Starters For Sunday’, 2014)

Prayers of Intercession

Hear our prayers today for those whose needs are great:
the families and the individuals who have lived with strain
at this Christmas time through the lack of means;
the lack of company; the lack of peace; the lack of love.
We pray for those who cannot hear the joy because of bitter words;
who cannot feel the joy because of cold and emptiness;
who cannot see the joy because of fear and grief.
we pray for those amongst our loved ones and neighbours,
who need not simply prayers but words and actions
to help them hear and feel and see that Christ is with them,
as he is with us.
For all who feel cut off and distanced from Christ’s love,
orphaned in a world full of families we pray today.
And we pray –
for all who are far from home and from their loved ones;
for all who are in hospital;
for all who serve in the army, navy and air force;
for all whose work keeps them away from the celebration of Christmas;
for all whose situation in life isolates them from others,
through imprisonment, or addictions, or depression.
God bless those whose calling is to serve our country through the institutions and organisations that shape the fabric of our society in politics, education, commerce, health and welfare.
God bless all the nations of the world.
May the angels’ song inspire peace in place of war,
And praise in place of brutality.
In this season of Christmas,
We pray for your Church.
May her message be one of welcome, inclusion and love,
And may her actions be marked by generosity, understanding and grace.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(by Rev. Dr Derek Browning, Church of Scotland, ‘Starters For Sunday’, 2014, adapted)

Additional prayer points
• For civic authorities, state officials and leaders of nations, that they may govern with wisdom and justice and serve the cause of peace.
• For aged members of our families and communities, that in their remaining years on earth they will receive the respect, honour and care that they so richly deserve.
• For the elimination of violence in our families and the building up of that mutual respect for one another that will make homes into dwellings of peace and love.
• For those families living in dire poverty, hunger and deprivation, that they will receive generous help from all who have been blessed with an abundance of material possessions.
• For all gathered here, that we might be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit this Christmas season.
(from ‘Christmas Bowl Resources’, 2008)

Offering prayer
Thank you, God of Love, for the promise of this season of Christmas and New Year. We are grateful for the generosity aroused in us by Christ’s coming into the world. May these gifts we offer to you represent a new spirit of joyous sharing among us, for the sake of all your children everywhere. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Offering prayer
God of generosity, in this time of giving,
we are grateful for what we have received from you.
In this time of sharing, we are challenged
to share what we have with others.
Receive our gifts with our thanks,
as we dedicate them to the outworking of your Kingdom,
and the incarnation of your love in action,
here and across the world;
in the name of the Christ-Child. Amen.
(by Rev. Dr Derek Browning, Church of Scotland, ‘Starters For Sunday’, 2014, adapted)

Hymn: TIS #324 “Lord, bid your servant go in peace”
Lord, bid your servant go in peace,
your word is now fulfilled.
These eyes have seen salvation’s dawn,
this child so long foretold

This is the Saviour of mankind,
the gentiles’ promised light,
God’s glory dwelling in our midst,
the joy of Israel.

This child shall see the rise, the fall,
of men in Israel,
God’s sign raised high for men to see,
whom men shall yet deny.

His mother’s soul a sword shall pierce,
of sorrow keen and dep.
From many hearts men’s secret thoughts
through him shall be revealed.

Blest be the Father, who has given
his Son to be our Lord,
blest too that Son, and with them both
the Spirit of their love.

Words: (Latin) Dunc Dimittis
Paraphrase: James J. Quinn (1919-2010)
Music: Appalachian Folk Hymn
Tune: LAND OF REST 86.86

Blessing and dismissal
May Christ, the Son of God, gladden your hearts by His coming to dwell among us, and bring you His peace; and may the blessing of God almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be with you now and remain in you always. Amen.

May the God of hope, peace, joy, and love bless each one of us with these gifts now and through the New Year. Amen. (Phil Schuyler)

May the joy of the angels,
the humility of the shepherds,
and the peace of the Christ-Child
be God’s gift to you and to all people
this Christmas and always.
And the blessing of God Almighty,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
be with you now and for evermore. Amen.
(from ‘Common Order’, Church of Scotland, UK)


Words of Institution – setting apart the elements
According to Luke when our Risen Lord was at table with His disciples, he took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognised Him. From that day onwards they gave witness to the Risen Lord through Word and Sacrament. Today we do the same.
The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
God be with you.
And also with you!
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
It is indeed right to give you our thanks and praise, O God,
for you have fulfilled your promises
and clothed us in the garments of salvation
and the robes of righteousness.
Your Word called forth the earth, sky and glittering stars
and your splendour is expressed in all creation.
Through your prophets,
you called your people to be a fertile garden,
bringing forth a harvest of righteousness and praise.
And now in the fullness of time,
our eyes have seen your salvation come.
Born of a woman
and growing in strength and wisdom,
he fulfilled the life-long yearnings
of those awaiting your redemption.
Rising up as a sign of your grace
and exposing the truth in our hearts,
he was opposed by many, and crucified,
but you raised him to life
and opened the way of salvation
so that we might be adopted as your children and heirs …
Christmas 1B (c) 2002 Nathan Nettleton,
Through your love for the world the Word became flesh and lived among us. As the angels sang glory to you in the highest heavens and peace to all people on earth, so we join with them and with all people to praise your name:
Holy Lord, God of endless love,
heaven and earth are surely full of your glory.
The angels sang of it, the shepherds encountered it,
we have been blessed with it.
Blessed is he who is born this night.
Glory to God, and on earth peace to all people.

Words of Institution/Prayer of Consecration
As you, O God, shared your love and yourself with us in the person of
Jesus so he shared himself with us in loving us and giving himself for us.
On that never-to-be-forgotten night, as he sat at the table and broke bread with his friends, he said: “Take and eat; this is my body, which is broken for you. Remember me each time you do this. “After they had eaten, he took the cup, and said: “Remember me as you drink from this, for it is my life, poured out for you – the beginning of a new relationship with God.”
Send the power of your Holy Spirit upon us, that we may experience the presence of the Word-made-flesh – Jesus Christ. Breathe your Spirit in us that we may be one body with him – faithfully following and serving him, and awaiting with expectation the coming of his kingdom. Amen.
(by the late Moira Laidlaw,
Blessing and honour and glory and power are yours forever and ever. Amen.

 Breaking of Bread and Pouring of Wine
(in breaking the bread) Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.
(in pouring the wine) The cup which we bless is the communion in blood of Christ.

Prayer after communion
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me, Bless God’s Holy Name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul
And forget not all God’s benefits.
God of our lives,
you will be faithful in time to come,
as in years gone by.
We praise you for goodness undeserved,
and gifts received we cannot number.
For life and health and loving friends;
for work and leisure;
for all grand things you give,
we thank you, Lord and God.
Above all, we praise you for Jesus Christ,
Who lifts our hopes, and leads us in your way.
Praise and reverence, honour and glory,
to you, great God;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

A communion liturgy for Christmas 1 by Thom Shuman
Call to Worship
Praise the One who spoke and made everything!
Let the rivers ripple with joy;
let the mountains stomp their feet.
Praise the One who adopts all of us as children!
Let old folks tell familiar stories;
let little children swim with dolphins.
Praise God!
We will sing of God’s glory;
we will shout our joy to the heavens.

Prayer of the Day
Creation’s Father:
of all that you created and love,
you choose us to be your children;
of all the places
you could love,
you make us holy
by your Spirit’s presence;
of all that you could offer to us,
you have given us Jesus.

Destiny’s Child:
you came to clothe us
in salvation’s finery;
you amazed the wisest
with your humility;
you know all the thoughts
we dare not share with anyone.

Spirit of Abba:
as we celebrate a Birth,
be born in us each day;
as we sing God’s praises,
whisper the good news to our ears;
as we seek to be faithful to our calling,
lead us into the kingdom waiting for us.

God in Community, Holy in One,
hear us as we pray as we have been taught,
(The Lord’s Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
It is easy to become slaves to our passions, it is harder to live as God’s children. Let us confess the easy choices we have made, so God can strengthen us to be faithful sisters and brothers of Christ.

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
Abba God: we know that given the chance, we rarely praise others. We are guided more by meanness than by your gentleness. And we are seldom wise enough to listen to your voice, preferring instead the sweet, sweet songs of sin.
Forgive us, Heart of Heaven. Touch those inner places of hope and joy that they might become the gifts we can offer to those around us, as we seek to follow Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
L: Hear the good news.  the time is now; the place is here: God has redeemed us from sin; God has claimed us as the children of Hope.
P: Praise God, all people, for life is given to us anew; eternity is our home.  Thanks be to God. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
By these gifts, Gracious God, may those who have so little be clothed with your abundant grace; may the hungry be fed with food that strengthens them and hope which gives them new life; may all who are searching find that they are your beloved children.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
L: May the God of Christmas Joy be with you.
P: And also with you.
L: Children of God, lift up your hearts.
P: We lift them to the One who came to us in Bethlehem.
L: Children of Hope, give thanks to God.
P: We sing our songs of joy to the One who became one of us.

How can we keep from praising you,
Glory’s Father?
You spoke,
and stars danced in the sky;
you whispered,
and snow fell gently in the night;
you sang,
and the Spirit
breathed life into us.
Yet, we allowed ourselves
to be guided by the Evil One,
being led into the wilderness of sin.
But you could not sleep,
tossing and turning in grief.
You sent the prophets
to adorn us with your grace,
but we ignored them.
Finally, with time almost running out,
you sent your most precious possession,
Jesus Christ, your Beloved Son.

So, with all creation echoing
the songs of angels,
we join in praising your name:

P: Holy, holy, holy are you, God who alone is exalted.
All creation rejoices in you.
Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the One who would not keep silent.
Hosanna in the highest!

Holy are you, Mighty God,
and blessed is your Son, Jesus Christ.
When we thought we could do no wrong,
he came to make us right;
when the world had forgotten us,
he called us by a new name;
when the time came,
he went to the cross,
that sin’s slaves might be set free
and become your children.

As we celebrate his Birth,
and remember his death and resurrection,
we speak of that mystery we call faith:

P: By Christ, we are redeemed from sin;
by Christ, we are delivered from death;
by Christ, we are adopted as God’s children.

Guiding Spirit,
as you moved over creation,
come to bless this bread and cup,
and your children gathering around this Table.
As we eat of the Bread of angels,
may we be nourished by your justice,
to bring hope to all people.
As we are filled with the Cup of grace,
may the seeds of righteousness
planted deep within us,
bloom that all creation can be made whole.
Then send us forth
not as slaves to sin,
but as servants of salvation
to those longing for new life.

Then, when the time comes,
and we are all gathered in heaven,
we will join hands and dance around your Table,
singing our praises to
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
One God forever and ever.  Amen.

L: The God of creation goes with you now.
P: As we go to care for all that has been given to us.
L: The Child of Bethlehem goes with you now.
P: As we seek to serve with humility and hope.
L: The Spirit of Abba goes with you.
P: As we would show others how to find the kingdom.
(Source: Thom M. Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies)

Carols, songs and hymns for Christmastide
The following suggestions are compiled from resources prepared by John Maynard, including Jeff Shrowder, David MacGregor, Steve Benner, Natalie Simms, Dean McIntyre, Denis Towner and many others. These hymns and songs may be found in a variety of other hymnbooks and chorus books.

(A.) The first grouping contain carols, songs and hymns for CHRISTMAS 1B, including those related to the RCL Readings for the Day.
(B.) The second grouping empathise themes for THE HOLY INNOCENTS, including those related to the RCL Readings for the Day.
(C.) The third grouping empathise themes for THE NEW YEAR, including those related to the RCL Readings for the Day.
(D.) The fourth grouping is a compendium of carols, songs and hymns for CHRISTMASTIDE. It is primarily (but not exclusively) from Australian/NZ hymn books, and other resources for congregational singing.
(F.) The fifth grouping is a compendium of carols, songs and hymns for CHRISTMASTIDE. It is primarily from other hymnbooks and resources.

AA = Alleluia Aotearoa (New Zealand)
AHB = The Australian Hymnbook / With One Voice (Aus/NZ)
AOV As One Voice Willow Connection
AT = All Together Now (ATN), All Together Again (ATA),
All Together Everybody (ATE), All Together Okay (ATOK),
All Together Whatever (ATW)
All Together for Good (ATFG) (Openbook Pub.)
BOP = Book of Praise (Presbyterian Church of Canada)
CG Common Ground (St Andrew Press)
Cha/CH = Chalice Hymnal (Disciples of Christ)
Ch3 = Church Hymnary 3 (Church of Scotland)
Ch4 = Church Hymnary 4 (Church of Scotland)
Common Ground/CG = Common Ground (St. Andrew Press, Scotland)
Common Praise (Anglican Church Canada)
Covenant = Covenant Songs
DMAC = David McGregor
ELW = Evangelical Lutheran Worship
FFS = Faith Forever Singing (New Zealand Hymnbook Trust)
FWS = The Faith We Sing
GA = Gather Australia (Australian Catholic Hymnal)
GBEAT = Gospelling to the Beat 1and2 (Scripture Union)
GGIVES = God Gives, Books 1,2,3,4 (Songs for [All-Ages], Uniting Education)
HPP = Hymns For a Pilgrim People (Congregational Church USA Hymnal)
HS = Hillsong (Hills Christian Life Centre)
HSNW = Heaven shall not wait (Iona Community/Wild Goose Resource Group)
IECS = In every corner sing
Iona = Various Songbooks from the Iona Community)
LBW = Lutheran Book of Worship
MH = Moravian Hymnal (Current Edition)
MH69 = Moravian Hymnal (1969 Edition)
MP = Mission Praise
MV = More Voices
NCH = New Century Hymnal (United Church of Christ, USA)
NCYC = NCYC Songs (National Christian Youth Convention, Uniting Church)
Ph = The Presbyterian Hymnal (USA)
P&W = Praise and Worship (Resource Christian Music)
RJ = Rejoice! (Presbyterian Church in Australia)
SA = Sing Alleluia
SCE = The Source (Kevin Mayhew)
SFFS = Sing the Faith/The Faith We Sing
(United Methodist/Presbyterian USA)
SP&P = Sing Prayer and Praise (United Church of Christ, USA)
SINGSBK1 = Singalong Songbook vol.1and2 (Integrity’s Hosanna Music)
SIS/Song = Scripture in Song (Songs of Praise, Songs of the Kingdom etc.)
SOF = Songs and Hymns of Fellowship (Kingsway)
Srce/Sce = The Source
Taizé = Various Songbooks from the Taizé Community
TFWS = The Faith We Sing (United Methodist USA)
TIO = There is one among us (John Bell/Wild Goose Resource Group)
TIS = Together in Song (Australia/New Zealand)
UMH = United Methodist Hymnal (USA)
URW = Upper Room Worship
VU = Voices United (United Church of Canada)
W&R = Worship and Rejoice (Hope Publishing)
WoV = With One Voice / Lutheran Book of Worship

(* = Recommended) (** = Highly Recommended)


(SEE ALSO: ‘Singing From the Lectionary’ by Natalie Sims (For Christmas 1B) and Holy Name of Jesus on the same blogsite).

A Christmas Prayer (VU 39) [Opening Prayer]
A song was heard at Christmas
* All creatures of our God and King (TIS 100 + AHB 3) (VU 217)
All the ends of the earth have seen (Psalm 98)
Almighty Father, who dost give
(AHB 541, John H.B. Masterman, 1867-1933)
** And did you see him, little star? (SA 6, Helen Clyde) (AA 4)
And when you call for me (MV 96) [Assurance of Pardon]
** Angel voices ever singing (AHB 386, Francis Pott) (Ch4 498)
(SOF 15)
** Angels from the realms of glory (TIS 309 + AHB 235) (BOP 146)
(Ch4 324) (Ph 22) (UMH 220) (Cha 149) (NCH 126) (VU 36)
[French Carol]
** Angels we have heard on high (Cha 155) (BOP 147) (NCH 125)
(Ph 23) (UMH 238)
Arise, shine out, your light has come! (UMH 725)
* Arise, your light has come! (VU 79)
As those of old their first-fruits brought
** Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (TIS 318 + AHB 242) (VU 69)
(BOP 149) (Ch4 312) (Ph 24, 25) (UMH 217) (Cha 147) (NCH 124)
** Before the world began one Word was there
(Ch4 317, John L. Bell, 1949-, and Graham Maule, 1958-)
** Behold! a rose is growing (TIS 294, German 15th Century,
‘Est Ist Ein Ros’) (VU 8) (NCH 127) (UMH 216) (LBW 58)
(ELW 272) (Ph 48) (CP 117) (BOP 151) (W&R 190) (Cha 160)
Behold the amazing gift of love (TIS 115 + AHB 36)
Behold the great Creator makes himself a house of clay (Ch4 308)
By the Creator, Joseph was appointed
** Child in the manger, infant of Mary (TIS 319 + AHB 241)
(Ch4 314) [Tune: Morning Has Broken]
* Child of the stable’s secret birth
** Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn (TIS 306 + AHB 231)
Come, let us sing (SIS 488/P&W 450, Brent Chambers)
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love
** Down to earth as a dove (Cha 168, Frederick H. Kaan, 1929-2009)
(VU 42)
** Dream a Dream (MV 158)
* For unto us a child is born (‘Wonderful Counsellor’)
(Song 665, John Michael Talbot)
* For unto us a child is born (ATN 33) (Covenant 95) (Isaiah 9)
** From heaven above to earth I come
(TIS 296 + AHB 219, by Martin Luther) (Ph 54) (Cha 146) (NCH 130)
Give to our God immortal praise (TIS 84 + AHB 43)
Glorious the day when Christ was born
** Glory to God above! (TIS 94, John L. Bell, 1949-) (Ch4 105)
(Wild Goose) [para. Psalm 148]
** Go, tell it on the mountain (BOP 133, African-American Spiritual)
(VU 43 (NCH 154) (Ph 29) (UMH 251) (Cha 167)
** God of light, we are waiting for you
(ATFG 514, Berberick, ‘Emmanuel Carol’)
God, you are clothed with light
** God rest you merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay
(AHB 233, Anon. English Carol)
** God rest you merry people all, let nothing you dismay
(AHB 233, Anon. English Carol)
God, you are clothed with light
** Good Christian folk, rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (VU 35) (BOP 141)
(Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129)
** Good Christian friends, rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (VU 35)
(BOP 141) (Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129)
** Good Christian men, rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (VU 35)
(BOP 141) (Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129)
** Good Christians, all rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (VU 35)
(BOP 141) (Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129)
Had he not loved us
** Hark! The herald angels sing (TIS 303 + AHB 227) (VU 48)
(BOP 139) (Ch4 301) (Ph 31) (UMH 240) (Cha 150) (NCH 144)
Holy Child, how still you lie
* How bright appears the morning star! (AHB 220, German, 14th century)
(VU 98)
* How brightly beams the morning star! (AHB 220, German, 14th century)
(VU 98)
* How brightly shines the morning star!
(AHB 220, German, 14th century) (VU 98)
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (TIS 223 + AHB 158)
* I am a child of God (MV 157)
** I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship
(SOF 185, William Young Fullerton) [Tune: Londonderry Air]
** In the bleak midwinter, frosty winds made moan
(VU 55) (BOP 145) (Ch4 305) (Ph 36) (UMH 221) (NCH 128)
** Infant holy, infant lowly (TIS 292 + AHB 225, Polish Carol)
(VU 58) (BOP 143) (Ph 37) (UMH 229) (Cha 163)
** It came upon the midnight clear (Ch4 303, Sears) (VU 44) (NCH 131)
(UMH 218) (LBW 54) (ELW 282) (Ph 38) (CP 140, 141) (W&R 191)
(Cha 153) (Srce2-289) (various)
Jesus, hope of every nation
** Jesus is born: formed in a womb and now baby
(Ch4 311, Pat Bennett)
** Joy to the world! The Lord is come (TIS 268 + AHB 224)
(VU 59) (BOP 153) (Ch4 320) (Ph 40) (UMH 246) (Cha 143)
(NCH 132)
Joyful, joyful, we adore you (TIS 152) [Tune: Ode to Joy]
* Let earth and heaven combine (TIS 305 + AHB 229, by Charles Wesley)
* Let heaven and earth combine (TIS 305 + AHB 229, by Charles Wesley)
** Lo, how a rose e’er (TIS 294, German 15th Century,
‘Est Ist Ein Ros’) (VU 8) (NCH 127) (UMH 216) (LBW 58)
(ELW 272) (Ph 48) (CP 117) (BOP 151) (W&R 190) (Cha 160)
* Lord, bid your servant go in peace (TIS 324 + AHB 248) (Rejoice 248)
[Song of Simeon] [Nunc Dimitus]
Lord Jesus, once a child (TIS 490 + AHB 415)
Lord, who left the highest heaven
** Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour
(BOP 134, Frank Houghton, 1894-1972) (Ch4 318)
[para. 2 Cor. 8:9]
** Love came down at Christmas (TIS 317 + AHB 243) (Ch4 316)
Now, Lord! according to thy word (Ch4 333, Scottish Paraphrases 1781)
** O come, all ye faithful (TIS 304 + AHB 228) (VU 60) (BOP 159)
(Ch4 306) (Ph 41) (UMH 234) (Cha 148) (NCH 135)
** O little town of Bethlehem (TIS 316 + AHB 240) (BOP 164, 165)
(Ch4 304) (Ph 43,44) (Rejoice 180) (UMH 230) (Cha 144)
(NCH 133) (VU 64)
** Of Eternal Love’s begotten (TIS 290 + AHB 215,
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century) (Ch4 319)
(NCH 118) (UMH 184) (BOP 163) (VU 61) [Tune: Corde Natus
/or/ Plainsong]
** Of the Father’s love begotten (TIS 290 + AHB 215,
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century) (Ch4 319)
(NCH 118) (UMH 184) (BOP 163) (VU 61) [Tune: Corde Natus
/or/ Plainsong]
** On Christmas day all Christians sing (TIS 300, Sussex Carol,
Trad. Arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams) (Ch4 294) (BOP 162) (NCH 143)
** On Christmas night all Christians sing (TIS 300, Sussex Carol,
Trad. Arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams) (Ch4 294) (BOP 162) (NCH 143)
** On this day earth shall ring (Ph 46, Piae Cantiones) (UMH 248)
** Once in royal David’s city (TIS 312 + AHB 237) (BOP 166) (Ch4 315)
(Ph 49) (UMH 250) (Cha 165) (NCH 145)
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him (TIS 93 + AHB 58)
** See amid the winter’s snow (VU 76, Edward Caswall) (BOP 168)
(Ph 51)
** See him lying on a bed of straw
(Ch4 310, Michael A. Perry, 1942-1996) [Calypso Carol]
Son of God, eternal Saviour (TIS 606 + AHB 529)
** The first Nowell the angel did say (TIS 301 + AHB 221)
(Ch4 323) (BOP 136) (Ph 56) (NCH 139) (UMH 245) (Cha 151)
The growing limbs of God the Son
** The heavenly Child in stature grows
* The Lord of heaven confess (Ch4 104)
** The Maker of the sun and moon
* The north wind is tossing the leaves
(TIS 322 + AHB 246, John Wheeler and William G. James)
(Ch4 300) [Australian Carol]
* The people that in darkness sat (TIS 274 + AHB 202)
(Ch4 290, Scottish Paraphrases 1781) [Isaiah 9]
* The people that in darkness walked (TIS 274 + AHB 202)
(Ch4 290, Scottish Paraphrases 1781) [Isaiah 9]
* The race that long in darkness pined (TIS 274 + AHB 202)
(Ch4 290, Scottish Paraphrases 1781) [Isaiah 9]
* The stars declare His glory (SA 85, Timothy Dudley-Smith) (Psalm 19)
** Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown
(TIS 315 + AHB 206, Emily E. S. Elliott) (TFWS/SFFS 2100)
* To us a child of royal birth (TIS 308 + AHB 230, by Charles Wesley)
** Unto us a boy is born! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218)
(Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Unto us a child is born! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218)
(Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Unto us is born a Son! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218)
(Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** What child is this, who laid to rest?
(BOP 161, William Chatterton Dix) (Ph 53) (NCH 148) (UMH 219)
(Cha 162) (VU 74) (As One Voice I 165) [Tune: Greensleeves]
** When God almighty came to be one of us
(TIS 281 + AHB 214, Michael E. Hewlett)
When Mary brought her treasure (Ch4 332, Jan Struther, 1901-1953)
** Who would think that what was needed?
(Ch4 295, John L. Bell, 1949-, and Graham Maule, 1958-)
(NCH 153)



(SEE ALSO: ‘Singing From the Lectionary’ by Natalie Sims,

==/ Isaiah 61:10 to 62:3 /==

[The Good News of Deliverance]

All people that on earth do dwell (TIS 59 + AHB 10)
* And can it be that I should gain (TIS 209 + AHB 138)
Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair (TIS 690)
Come, let us sing (VU 222)
Father, whose everlasting love (TIS 213 + AHB 142)
* God who gives to life its goodness (VU 260)
God, you are clothed with light (TIS 193 + AHB 423)
** Hark! The herald angels sing (TIS 303 + AHB 227) (BOP 139)
(Ch4 301) (Ph 31) (UMH 240) (Cha 150) (NCH 144) (VU 48)
* Here, gracious Lord, we see you face to (TIS 516 + AHB 438)
* Here, O my Lord, I see you face to (TIS 516 + AHB 438)
* Hey ney yana” (MV 217)
I will always love your name (SCE[2] 721, Oakley)
Jesus, light of the world (SCE[2] 836, Baker)
Jesus, thy blood and righteousness (AHB 137)
* Joy shall come (VU 23)
Joyful, joyful we adore you (TIS 152) (VU 232) [Tune: Ode to Joy]
Let all together praise our God (TIS 298)
Lord most high (SCE 115, Harris/Sadler)
O for a heart to praise my God (TIS 568 + AHB 476)
O worship the King all glorious above (TIS 133 + AHB 67)
Rejoice today with one accord
Robe of righteousness (SIS 617, Brent Chambers)
Robe yourself, my soul, with gladness (TIS 503 + AHB 424)
** The advent of our God with eager prayers we greet
(TIS 271 + AHB 198)
** The advent of our King with eager prayers we greet
(TIS 271 + AHB 198)
The head that once was crowned with thorns (AHB 301)
** There’s a light upon the mountains (TIS 276 + AHB 207)
** ‘Wake, awake! for night is flying’ (TIS 266 + AHB 195)
(Ch4 278) (UMH 720) [Communion]
==/ Psalm 148 /==

[A Call for the Universe to Praise God]

All created things, bless the Lord
* All creatures of our God and King (TIS 100 + AHB 3) (VU 217)
* All people that on earth do dwell (TIS 59 + AHB 10) (VU 822)
All things bright and beautiful (TIS 135 + AHB 239)
All you heavens, bless the Lord
All you works of God
Alleluia, praise to God (MV 59)
Blessing, honour (SCE 55/P&W 579, Geoff Bullock/Reidy)
Canticle of Daniel (ATW 422/NCYC ’99, Stewart)
Come, children, join to sing (AHB 162)
Earth and all stars
Everything that has breath (HS, Morgan
* For the beauty of the earth (TIS 137 + AHB 77) (VU 226)
** Glory to God above! (TIS 94, John L. Bell, 1949-) (Wild Goose)
[para. Psalm 148]
God is great (HS, Sampson)
God of great and God of small
God of the sparrow (VU 229)
God, our God (VU 730)
* God who gives to life its goodness (VU 260)
Great in power (HS/ATW 426, Fragar)
He is exalted, the King is exalted on high
(SCE 156/SIS 518/P&W 497/SOF 164, Paris)
Hear our praises (HS/SCE[2] 886, Morgan
I sing the mighty power (VU 231)
I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath (TIS 90 + AHB 44)
** Joy to the world! The Lord is come (TIS 268 + AHB 224) (BOP 153)
(Ch4 320) (Ph 40) (UMH 246) (Cha 143) (NCH 132) (VU 59)
Let all creation dance
* Let all things now living (VU 242)
** Let all things now living (TIS 187, Brian A. Wren) [Psalm 148]
Let’s sing unto the Lord
Most High, omnipotent, good Lord
O praise ye the Lord! praise him in the height (AHB 83)
O worship the King all glorious above (TIS 133 + AHB 67)
O the life of the world is a joy and a treasure
** Of eternal love’s begotten (TIS 290 + AHB 215,
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century) (Ch4 319) (NCH 118)
(UMH 184) (BOP 163) (VU 61) [Tune: Corde Natus /or/ Plainsong]
** Of the Father’s love begotten (TIS 290 + AHB 215,
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century) (Ch4 319) (NCH 118)
(UMH 184) (BOP 163) (VU 61) [Tune: Corde Natus /or/ Plainsong]
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (TIS 134 + AHB 68)
Praise the God who reigns above
Praise the Lord, His glories show
Praise the Lord, sing alleluia
Praise the Lord with the sound of trumpet
Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore him (TIS 93 + AHB 58)
Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (TIS 93 + AHB 58)
Praise to the Holiest in the height (TIS 141 + AHB 79)
Say the name of love (SCE[2] 953, Graham Kendrick)
Sing praise to God on mountain tops
Sing praise to the Lord! (TIS 96 + AHB 83)
Sing to God with gladness, all creation
Sing ye praises to the Father
The Lord Jehovah reigns, (TIS 117 + AHB 37)
* The Lord of heaven confess (Ch4 104)
This ancient love (VU 282)
Touching heaven, changing earth (HS/SCE[2] 1046, Morgan)
** When God almighty came to be one of us
(TIS 281 + AHB 214, Michael E. Hewlett)
When morning gilds the skies (TIS 227 + AHB 151)
Ye boundless realms of joy
Ye holy angels bright (TIS 108 + AHB 26)
You holy angels bright (TIS 108 + AHB 26)
You servants of God, your master proclaim (TIS 215 + AHB 144)
==/ Galatians 4:4-7 /==

[No Longer a Slave but an Heir]

* Abba, Father, let me be (SCE 1/SIS/SOF1, Dave Bilbrough)
** All poor folk and humble, all lame folk who stumble (VU 68)
** All poor men and humble, all lame men who stumble (VU 68)
** All poor ones and humble, all lame ones who stumble (VU 68)
** Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (TIS 318 + AHB 242) (VU 69)
(BOP 149) (Ch4 312) (Ph 24, 25) (UMH 217) (Cha 147) (NCH 124)
Because he lives (SCE[2] 701, Gaither)
Behold, the amazing gift of love (TIS 115 + AHB 36)
Cradle me in your arms (MV 91)
Creator of the starry height
Eternal God, your love’s tremendous glory
Father God, I wonder
Father, I want you to hold me (SCE 98/Vineyard, Doerksen)
Father, we give you thanks, who planted (TIS 495 + AHB 416)
Father, we thank thee, who hast planted (TIS 495 + AHB 416)
Father in heaven, grant to your children (TIS 465 + AHB 399)
* From east to west, from shore to shore
(AHB 217, Celius Sedulius, 5th century)
Gabriel’s message does away
** Hark! The herald angels sing (TIS 303 + AHB 227) (BOP 139)
(Ch4 301) (Ph 31) (UMH 240) (Cha 150) (NCH 144) (VU 48)
* I am a child of God (MV 157)
* I see a new heaven (VU 713)
** Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit (TIS 417, Shirley E. Murray/Dell)
(ATW 448)
My God, accept my heart this day (TIS 485 + AHB 410)
My song is love unknown (TIS 341 + AHB 257)
* O holy city, seen of John (VU 70)
** O little town of Bethlehem (TIS 316 + AHB 240) (BOP 164, 165)
(Ch4 304) (Ph 43,44) (Rejoice 180) (UMH 230) (Cha 144)
(NCH 133) (VU 64)
** Once in royal David’s city (TIS 312 + AHB 237) (VU 62) (BOP 166)
(Ch4 315) (NCH 145) (Ph 49) (UMH 250) (Cha 165)
** Silent night! Holy night! (TIS 311 + AHB 236, by Joseph Mohr)
(BOP 154) (Ch4 309) (Ph 60) (UMH 239) (Cha 145) (NCH 134) (VU 67)
Sing my tongue the glorious battle (TIS 331 + AHB 249)
Son of God, eternal Saviour (TIS 606 + AHB 529)
Spirit, come, dispel our sadness
** Still the night, holy the night!
(TIS 311 + AHB 236, by Joseph Mohr) (BOP 154) (Ch4 309)
(Ph 60) (UMH 239) (Cha 145) (NCH 134) (VU 67)
The Lord created families
Virgin-born, we bow before thee
* To us a child of royal birth (TIS 308 + AHB 230, by Charles Wesley)
We are heirs of the Father (SIS 165/ATN 12/various, Owens)
==/ Luke 2:22-40 /==

[Jesus is Presented in the Temple]

All hail the power of Jesus’ name (TIS 224 + AHB 159)
** All poor folk and humble, all lame folk who stumble (VU 68)
** All poor men and humble, all lame men who stumble (VU 68)
** All poor ones and humble, all lame ones who stumble (VU 68)
An upper room did our Lord prepare (TIS 536 + AHB 453)
** Angels from the realms of glory (TIS 309 + AHB 235) (BOP 146)
(Ch4 324) (Ph 22) (UMH 220) (Cha 149) (NCH 126) (VU 36)
[French Carol]
** Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (TIS 318 + AHB 242) (VU 69)
(BOP 149) (Ch4 312) (Ph 24, 25) (UMH 217) (Cha 147) (NCH 124)
** Child in the manger, infant of Mary (TIS 319 + AHB 241)
(Ch4 314) [Tune: Morning Has Broken]
Christ be our light (ATOK 313/AOV[2] 3, Bernadette Farrell)
Come and join the celebration
Come, thou almighty King
** Down to earth as a dove (Cha 168, Frederick H. Kaan, 1929-2009)
(VU 42)
Father eternal, ruler of creation (AHB 540)
** Funny kind of night, funny kind of day (TIS 329,
John L. Bell, 1949-) (Wild Goose)
* Go now in peace (TIS 782) (VU 964)
** Go, tell it on the mountain (BOP 133, African-American Spiritual)
(Cha 167) (NCH 154) (Ph 29) (UMH 251) (VU 43)
* God, help us to treasure (MV 147)
* Grateful (MV 182)
* Great God, we sing that mighty hand (TIS 124 + AHB 52) (VU 529)
* Growing up with Jesus (DMAC, David MacGregor) [All-Ages]
** Hark! The herald angels sing (TIS 303 + AHB 227) (BOP 139)
(Ch4 301) (Ph 31) (UMH 240) (Cha 150) (NCH 144) (VU 48)
Holy Spirit, Come (HS/SCE 180/P&W 779m Geoff Bullock)
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds (TIS 223 + AHB 158)
I was there to hear your borning cry (VU 644)Joy is now (VU 45)
** In the bleak midwinter, frosty winds made moan
(VU 55) (BOP 145) (Ch4 305) (Ph 36) (UMH 221) (NCH 128)
In the name of Jesus
Jesus, Name of wondrous love
Jesus! the name high over all (TIS 218 + AHB 150)
** Joy to the world! The Lord is come (TIS 268 + AHB 224) (BOP 153)
(Ch4 320) (Ph 40) (UMH 246) (Cha 143) (NCH 132) (VU 59)
Let us build a house (MV 1)
Longing for light, we wait in darkness (ATOK 313/AOV[2] 3,
Bernadette Farrell, ‘Christ Be Our Light’)
Lord, bid your servant go in peace (TIS 324 + AHB 248)
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, fill our hearts
* Lord God, you now have set your servant free
(TIS 733, Rae E. Whitney)
Mighty God (SCE 356, Johnson/Bowater)
** Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
(TIS 315 + AHB 205) (Ch4 476)
Name of all majesty
Now thank we all our God (TIS 106 + AHB 14)
Now the silence
** O come, all ye faithful (TIS 304 + AHB 228) (BOP 159)
(Ch4 306) (Ph 41) (UMH 234) (Cha 148) (NCH 135) (VU 60)
** Once in royal David’s city (TIS 312 + AHB 237) (VU 62) (BOP 166)
(Ch4 315) (NCH 145) (Ph 49) (UMH 250) (Cha 165)
Pentecost Prayer (ATN 99/various, Robin Mann)
Potter’s hand (HS/SCE[2] 640/P&W 857, Darlene Zschech)
Salvation belong to our God (P&W 620/SCE 443, Howard/Turner)
** See amid the winter’s snow (BOP 168, Edward Caswall) (Ph 51)
Shepherds came, their praises bringing
** Silent night! Holy night! (TIS 311 + AHB 236, by Joseph Mohr)
(BOP 154) (Ch4 309) (Ph 60) (UMH 239) (Cha 145) (NCH 134) (VU 67)
* Spirit come (DMAC, David MacGregor)
** Still the night, holy the night!
(TIS 311 + AHB 236, by Joseph Mohr) (BOP 154) (Ch4 309) (Ph 60)
(UMH 239) (Cha 145) (NCH 134) (VU 67)
‘Tis the gift to be simple, ’tis the gift to be free (VU 353)
** Unto us a boy is born! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218,
Latin 15th century) (Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Unto us a child is born! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218,
Latin 15th century) (Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Unto us is born a Son! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218,
Latin 15th century) (Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
When a poor one (VU 702)
* When I needed a neighbour, were you there?
(TIS 629 + AHB 558) (VU 600)
When this world was created (ATN 99/various, Robin Mann)
** While shepherds watched their flocks by night (TIS 299 + AHB 233)
(BOP 138) (Ph 58,59) (UMH 236) (Cha 154) (VU 76)
Would you bless our homes and families? (VU 556)
==/ John 1:1-18 /==

[The Word of Life – The Light of the World]

A great and mighty wonder
A lamp for our feet has been given (AHB 341, Granton D. Hay)
Ah, Holy Jesus, how thou hast offended (TIS 337 + AHB 254)
All glory be to God on high (Dudley-Smith)
All glory be to God on high
All hail the power of Jesus’ name (TIS 224 + AHB 159)
All things bright and beautiful (TIS 135 + AHB 70)
Alleluia, sweetest anthem
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound (TIS 129 + AHB 56)
** Angels from the realms of glory (TIS 309 + AHB 235) (BOP 146)
(Ch4 324) (Ph 22) (UMH 220) (Cha 149) (NCH 126) (VU 36)
[French Carol]
As stars adorn the night-veiled sky
* As with gladness men of old (TIS 314 + AHB 239) (Ch4 326)
(BOP 172) (NCH 159) (Ph 63)
* At the dawning of salvation (TIS 392 + SA 9, Jock Curle)
At the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow (TIS 231 + AHB 170)
(UMH 168)
** Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (TIS 318 + AHB 242) (VU 69)
(BOP 149) (Ch4 312) (Ph 24, 25) (UMH 217) (Cha 147) (NCH 124)
Before the world began
** Behold! a rose is growing (TIS 294, ‘Es Ist Ein Ros’)
(BOP 151) (NCH 127) (Ph 48) (UMH 216)
(Cha 160) (VU 8) [German Carol]
* Behold, the face of Christ (MV 114)
Behold, the great Creator makes
Blessed Jesus, at thy word (TIS 437 + AHB 352)
Blessed Jesus, at your word (TIS 437 + AHB 352)
** Born in the night, Mary’s Child (TIS 232, Geoffrey Ainger)
(BOP 137) (Ph 30) (NCH 152) (BOP 137)
** Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light (Ph 26) (NCH 140)
(UMH 223) (German)
Break now the bread of life (TIS 429 + AHB 334)
Break thou the bread of life (TIS 429 + AHB 334)
Can we by searching find out God
** Child in the manger, infant of Mary (TIS 319 + AHB 241)
(Ch4 314) [Tune: Morning Has Broken]
* Christ is the world’s light, he and none other (TIS 246 + AHB 191)
(UMH 188)
Christ is the world’s true Light (TIS 238 + AHB 179)
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (TIS 364 + AHB 283)
Christ, our King before creation (AHB 190, Ivor H. Jones)
Christ the Lord has risen (TFWS/SFFS 2116)
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Christ, whose glory fills the skies (TIS 212 + AHB 140)
Cold December flies away (UMH 233, “En el Frío Invernal”)
* Colourful Creator, God of mystery (TIS 190, Ruth C. Duck)
Come, let us with our Lord arise (TIS 375 AHB 297)
Come you people, come adore him (TIS 101 + AHB 5)
Dost thou in a manger lie
Emmanuel (HS, Badham)
“En el Frío Invernal” (UMH 233, “Cold December flies away…”)
Father eternal, ruler of creation (AHB 540, Laurence Housman)
* From east to west, from shore to shore (AHB 217, Celius Sedulius,
5th century)
Father of heaven, whose love profound (TIS 131 AHB 60)
From God Christ’s deity came forth
* From Heaven you came, helpless Babe (Graham Kendrick, TIS 256,
‘The Servant King’) (ATA 261) (SIS 580/SCE 335/P&W 531/SOF 362)
‘Gather Us In’ (TFWS/SFFS 2236,
“Here in this place new light is streaming…”)
* Give a shout in celebration! (DMAC, David MacGregor)
Glory (P&W 679/SCE 121/TIS 718/HS, Geoff Bullock)
Glory, in the highest glory
Go tell it on the mountain (UMH 251)
God from on high has heard (AHB 226, Charles Coffin)
* God gave Jesus for us all (DMAC/TIS 719, David MacGregor) (DMAC)
* God has spoken by his prophets (TIS 158 + AHB 92)
God is love, His mercy brightens (AHB 66, John Bowring)
God is love, His the care
God is my shepherd
God of God, the uncreated (Rejoice 126)
God of unexampled grace (AHB 260, Charles Wesley)
God Version 1.0 (ATW 459/NCYC 1993, Robin Mann)
** Good Christian friends, rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (BOP 141)
(Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129) (VU 35)
** Good Christian men, rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (BOP 141)
(Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129) (VU 35)
** Good Christians, all rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (BOP 141)
(Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129) (VU 35)
Great ring of light, true circle with no ending
* Hail, gladdening Light, of his pure glory poured
(TIS 191, Anon. 4th Century)
** Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes (TIS 269 + AHB 197)
(BOP 118) (Ch4 277) (VU 29)
He did not want to be far
Here in this place new light is streaming
(TFWS/SFFS 2236 ‘Gather Us In’)
Holy, most holy Lamb of God (AHB 448, Daniel T. Niles)
Holy night, blessed night (Ph 32) (Mandarin Carol)
** Hope is a candle, once lit by the prophets
How bright appears the morning star! (AHB 220, German, 14th century)
How brightly beams the morning star! (AHB 220, German, 14th century)
How brightly shines the morning star! (AHB 220, German, 14th century)
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds (TIS 223 + AHB 158)
I am for you (HSNW/Iona, John L. Bell)
* I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus (SOF 183, Frances Ridley Havergal)
I bind unto myself today (TIS 478 + AHB 454)
[St. Patrick’s Breastplate]
* I danced in the morning when the world was begun (TIS 242 + AHB 183,
Sydney Carter, 1915-2004, ‘Lord of the Dance’) (UMH 261)
I greet thee, who my sure Redeemer art (TIS 198 + AHB 128)
I greet you, my Redeemer sure, who lives (TIS 198 + AHB 128)
I heard the voice of Jesus say (TIS 585 + AHB 500)
I sing the almighty power of God (TIS 119 + AHB 40) (UMH 152)
* I want to walk as a child of the light
(TIS 643, Kathleen A. Thomerson) (UMH 206)
** Infant holy, infant lowly (TIS 292 + AHB 225, Polish Carol)
(BOP 143) (Ph 37) (UMH 229) (Cha 163) (VU 58)
Is this the way you made the world?
It is a thing most wonderful (AHB 171, William W. How)
** It was poor little Jesus
* It’s Christmas (DMAC, David MacGregor [All-Ages]
Jesu, lover of my soul (TIS 211 + AHB 139)
Jesus calls us here to meet him (TIS 477, John L. Bell)
Jesus, God’s righteousness revealed (ATOK 329, Geoff Bullock)
Jesus, I come trusting your kindness
** Jesus is born: formed in a womb and now baby (Ch4 311, Pat Bennett)
Jesus is greater (SCE 282/GBEAT1-65, Hutchinson) [All-Ages]
Jesus is Lord (SIS 360/SCE 284/SOF 178, Mansell)
Jesus, lover of my soul (TIS 211 + AHB 139)
Jesus, joy of our desiring (UMH 644)
Jesus the Lord said ‘I am the bread’ (TIS 239 + AHB 185)
Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts (TIS 499 + AHB 420)
* Join the angels (DMAC, David MacGregor)
** Joy to the world! The Lord is come (TIS 268 + AHB 224) (BOP 153)
(Ch4 320) (Ph 40) (UMH 246) (Cha 143) (NCH 132) (VU 59)
Just a closer walk with thee (TFWS/SFFS 2158)
“La ténèbre n’est point ténèbre”
Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom (TIS 582 + AHB 494)
** Let all mortal flesh keep silence (TIS 497 + AHB 418)
(NCH 345) (Cha 124) (Ph 5) (UMH 626) [4th century]
Let all together praise our God (TIS 298)
* Let earth and heaven combine (TIS 305 + AHB 229, by Charles Wesley)
* Let heaven and earth combine (TIS 305 + AHB 229, by Charles Wesley)
Let us even now go to Bethlehem (NCH 142)
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass (TIS 267 + AHB 381)
Lift up your heads, you mighty gates (TIS 267 + AHB 381)
Listen to the word which God has spoken
** Lo, how a rose e’er blooming (TIS 294, ‘Es Ist Ein Ros’)
(BOP 151) (NCH 127) (Ph 48) (UMH 216)
(Cha 160) (VU 8) [German Carol]
** Lo, how a rose is growing (TIS 294, ‘Es Ist Ein Ros’)
(BOP 151) (NCH 127) (Ph 48) (UMH 216)
(Cha 160) (VU 8) [German Carol]
Lord Jesus, joy of loving hearts (TIS 499 + AHB 420)
Lord Jesus, our bright Morning Star (TIS 199 + AHB 220)
* Lord, the Light of your Love is shining (TIS 675, Graham Kendrick,
‘Shine, Jesus, Shine’) (BOP 376) (UMH 217)
(SIS 580/SCE 335/P&W 531/SOF 362) (TFWS/SFFS 2173)
** Lord, your almighty word (TIS 447 + AHB 61)
Lord of all being, throned afar (Rejoice 19)
* ‘Lord of the Dance’ (TIS 242 + AHB 183, Sydney Carter, 1915-2004,
“I danced in the morning when the world was begun…”) (UMH 261)
Lord, your hands have formed this world
** Love came down at Christmas (TIS 317 + AHB 243) (Ch4 316)
(NCH 165) (UMH 242)
Love divine, all loves excelling (TIS 217 + AHB 148)
Meekness and majesty
* Morning has broken like the first morning (TIS 156 + AHB 91)
(UMH 145)
My heart and voice I raise (TIS 225 + AHB 160)
My song is love unknown (TIS 341 + AHB 257)
Not with naked eye, not with human sense (NCH 406, Dan Damon)
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling (AHB 422)
Now to the Lord a noble song! (TIS 113 AHB 33)
** O come, all ye faithful (TIS 304 + AHB 228) (BOP 159)
(Ch4 306) (Ph 41) (UMH 234) (Cha 148) (NCH 135) (VU 60)
O come and join the dance (SCE 381, Graham Kendrick)
O for a thousand tongues to sing (TIS 210 + AHB 141) (VU 326)
O God, beyond all face and form
O gladsome light, O grace (AHB 121, Anon. Greek 3rd cent.)
(Ph 549)
* O holy radiance, joyous light (NCH 739, The Candlelight Hymn)
O Holy Spirit, root of life (TFWS/SFFS 2121)
O how shall we receive you?
O Jesus, King most wonderful (AHB 125, attrib. Bernard of Clairvaux)
** O Laughing Light, O first born of creation
(TIS 255, Sylvia G. Dunstan, 1955-1993)
O little Love, who comes again
** O little town of Bethlehem (TIS 316 + AHB 240) (BOP 164, 165)
(Ch4 304) (Ph 43, 44) (Rejoice 180) (UMH 230) (Cha 144)
(NCH 133) (VU 64)
O Lord of every shining constellation (TIS 157 + AHB 103)
O loving founder of the stars (NCH 111)
O morning star, how fair and bright (UMH 247)
O Saviour of our fallen race
O splendour of God’s glory bright
O thou whose power o’er moving worlds presides
O what a gift, what a wonderful gift! (TIS 278 + AHB 213, Pat Uhl)
O Word of God incarnate (Ph 327) (UMH 598)
O worship the King all glorious above (TIS 133 + AHB 67)
** Of eternal love’s begotten (TIS 290 + AHB 215,
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century) (Ch4 319) (NCH 118)
(UMH 184) (BOP 163) (VU 61) [Tune: Corde Natus /or/ Plainsong]
** Of the Father’s love begotten (TIS 290 + AHB 215,
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century) (Ch4 319) (NCH 118)
(UMH 184) (BOP 163) (VU 61) [Tune: Corde Natus /or/ Plainsong]
Of the glorious body telling (AHB 422)
** On Christmas day all Christians sing (TIS 300, Sussex Carol,
Trad. Arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams) (Ch4 294) (BOP 162) (NCH 143)
** On Christmas night all Christians sing (TIS 300, Sussex Carol,
Trad. Arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams) (Ch4 294) (BOP 162) (NCH 143)
** On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry (TIS 270 + AHB 199)
* On this day, earth shall ring (UMH 248)
On this day, the first of days (AHB 368, Carcassonne Breviary 1745)
** Once in royal David’s city (TIS 312 + AHB 237) (VU 62) (BOP 166)
(Ch4 315) (NCH 145) (Ph 49) (UMH 250) (Cha 165)
Praise be to Christ in whom we see
Praise God, the Source of life and birth
Praise our God, the great creator (TIS 165 + AHB 110)
Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore him (TIS 93 + AHB 58)
Praise the Spirit in creation (TIS 415, Michael E. Hewlett)
Praise to you, O Christ our Saviour (TIS 258, Bernadette Farrell)
** Saviour of the nations, come! (TIS 295, by Martin Luther,
tr. David A. Schubert) (Ph 14) (UMH 214)
See, Christ was wounded for our sake (AHB 275, Brian Foley)
Send your word (UMH 195)
Sent by the Lord Am I (Common Ground 105, Jorge Maldonado) [Chile]
* ‘Shine, Jesus, Shine’ (TIS 675, Graham Kendrick,
“Lord, the light of your love is shining…”) (BOP 376) (UMH 217)
(SIS 580/SCE 335/P&W 531/SOF 362) (TFWS/SFFS 2173)
* Sing a new song, sing a new song
(TIS 166 + AHB 102, James Phillip McAuley)
Sing my tongue the glorious battle (TIS 331 AHB 249)
Sing of Mary, pure and lowly (UMH 272)
Sleep, holy child, now hid away
Son of God, eternal Saviour (TIS 606 + AHB 529)
Souls of men, why do you scatter? (TIS 136 + AHB 72)
Source and sovereign, rock and cloud (UMH 113)
* Star child (Seasons of the Spirit Songbook 1, Murray/Young)
That boy-child of Mary (UMH 241)
Thanks to God whose Word was spoken (TIS 431 + AHB 339)
Thanks to God, whose word was written (Ph 331)
The Baptist shouts on Jordan’s shore (NCH 115)
** The first Nowell the angel did say (TIS 301 + AHB 221)
(Ch4 323) (BOP 136) (Ph 56) (NCH 139) (UMH 245) (Cha 151)
The great Creator of the worlds
* The Lord Almighty spoke the word
The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want (TIS 10 + AHB 16)
The royal banners forward go (TIS 332 + AHB 251)
The Spirit of the Lord revealed (AHB 336, George W. Biggs)
The Word of the Lord lasts forever
(TIS 257, Fintan O’Carrol and Chris Walker)
* There’s a spirit in the air (TIS 414, Brian A. Wren, 1936-) (VU 582)
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy (TIS 136 + AHB 72)
This Kingdom (SCE 278/ATOK 329/HS/P&W 763, Geoff Bullock)
** Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown
(TIS 315 + AHB 206, Emily E. S. Elliott) (TFWS/SFFS 2100)
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour
Thou, whose almighty word (TIS 447 + AHB 61)
Though you reign on high (Rejoice 192)
We all believe in God who made (TIS 435) (Nicene Creed, Martin Luther)
* We have a gospel to proclaim (TIS 245 + AHB 189)
We really want to thank you, Lord (SOF 587, Ed Bagett)
We sing of God, the mighty source
* What child is this, who, laid to rest? (NCH 148)
What kind of greatness (SCE 567, Graham Kendrick)
What wondrous love is this, O my soul!
** When God almighty came to be one of us
(TIS 281 + AHB 214, Michael E. Hewlett)
When human voices cannot sing (ATW 490, Mann/Murray)
When long before time
Where is this stupendous stranger?
Why should I lose my first love? (SOF 613, Ian Traynar)
Will you come and see the light? (VU 96)
With glorious clouds encompassed round (AHB 155, Charles Wesley)
** Womb of life, and source of being (NCH 274, Ruth C. Duck)
(TFWS/SFFS 2046)
** Word of God, come down on earth (UMH 182)
Word of the Father, source of all things living
* You are the Word who calls us out of darkness
(TIS 258, Bernadette Farrell)
You laid aside your majesty
You, Lord, we praise in songs of celebration
You who watch the highest heavens (MV 152)
Your words to me are life and health (TIS 430 AHB 337) (Rejoice 281)
Yours the hand that made creation


A voice was heard in Raman (MV 111)
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
(TIS 390, Donald E. Fishel, 1950-)
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound (TIS 129 + AHB 56) (VU 266)
* As with gladness men of old (TIS 314 + AHB 239) (Ch4 326)
(BOP 172) (NCH 159) (Ph 63)
* Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (TIS 310 + AHB 234)
(Ch4 327) (NCH 156,157) (Ph 67) (Cha 174) [Communion]
* Brightest and best of the stars of the morning (TIS 310 + AHB 234)
(Ch4 327) (NCH 156,157) (Ph 67) (Cha 174) [Communion]
By all your saints still striving
“Duérmete, Niño lindo” (O, sleep now, holy baby)
** Earth has many a noble city (TIS 291 + AHB 216)
(Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century)
For all your saints in glory
I love to hear the story
** In Bethlehem a new-born boy (BOP 140) (Ph 35, Rosamond E. Herklots)
Inspired by love and anger (TIS 674, John L. Bell and Graham Maule)
Jesus, Friend of little children
(AHB 524, Walter J. Mathams, 1853-1931)
Jesu, lover of my soul (TIS 211 + AHB 139)
Jesus, lover of my soul (TIS 211 + AHB 139)
** Let all mortal flesh keep silence (TIS 497 + AHB 418)
(NCH 345) (Cha 124) (Ph 5) (UMH 626) [4th century]
Lord, who left the highest heaven
* Lullay, lullay, thou little tiny child
** O come, all ye faithful (TIS 304 + AHB 228) (BOP 159)
(Ch4 306) (Ph 41) (UMH 234) (Cha 148) (NCH 135) (VU 60)
O God of blessings, all praise to you!
* O holy city, seen of John (VU 709)
** O little Love who comes again (AA 108, Shirley E. Murray)
(Ch4 329) [New Zealand carol]
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (TIS 454 + AHB 382)
Sing your praise to God eternal
Sleep, holy Babe!
Sleep, holy child, now hid away
** The first Nowell the angel did say (TIS 301 + AHB 221)
(Ch4 323) (BOP 136) (Ph 56) (NCH 139) (UMH 245) (Cha 151)
** The tyrant issues his decree (Ch4 330, Iain D. Cunningham)
[The Holy Innocents]
The wise may bring their learning
There is a place prepared for little children
* Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour
** Unto us a boy is born! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218,
Latin 15th century) (Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Unto us a child is born! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218,
Latin 15th century) (Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Unto us is born a Son! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218,
Latin 15th century) (Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Unto us a boy is born! (TIS 293 + AHB 218) (Ch4 311) (BOP 160)
(VU 54)
We praise you, O God, our redeemer, creator
** We three kings of orient are (BOP 173) (Cha 172) (Ph 66) (UMH 254)
When a poor one (VU 7021)
** Who would think that what was needed?
(Ch4 295, John L. Bell, 1949-, and Graham Maule, 1958-) (NCH 153)
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (TIS 454 + AHB 382)
Ye watchers and ye holy ones (AHB 87)



(SEE ALSO: ‘Singing From the Lectionary’ by Natalie Sims,

* All beautiful the march of days (VU 530) [New Year]
Behold, behold, I make all things new (MV 115)
Breath of God, Breath of peace (MV 24) [New Year]
Give thanks for life (VU 706)
* Great God, we sing that mighty hand (TIS 124 + AHB 52) (VU 529)
[New Year]
* Joy is now in every place (VU 45) [New Year]
* Many and great, O God, are your works (VU 308)
Our God, our help in ages past (TIS 47 + AHB 46) (VU 806) [New Year]
* There is a time (MV 165) [New Year]
==/ Ecclesiastes 3:1–13 /==

[A time for everything]

* For the beauty of the earth (TIS 137 + AHB 77) (VU 226)
In the bulb there is a flower (VU 703)
Give thanks for life (VU 706)
Let my spirit always sing (MV 83)
* There is a time (MV 165) [New Year]
==/ Psalm 8 /==

[God’s Glory and Human Dignity]

* For the beauty of the earth (TIS 137 + AHB 77) (VU 226)
* Let all things now living (VU 242)
* Many and great, O God, are your works (VU 308)
God, our God, your glorious name (VU 730)
==/ Revelation 21:1–6a /==

[The New Heaven and the New Earth]

* O holy city, seen of John (VU 709)
* I see a new heaven (VU 713)
O God, you gave your servant John (VU 718)
Behold, behold, I make all things new (MV 115)
My soul cries out (MV 120)
==/ Matthew 25:31–46 /==

[Final Judgment]

* There’s a spirit in the air (TIS 414, Brian A. Wren, 1936-) (VU 582)
Come, now, you blessed (VU 592)
* When I needed a neighbour, were you there?
(TIS 629 + AHB 558) (VU 600)
* Behold, the face of Christ (MV 114)
When hands reach out and fingers trace (MV 136)


// Primarily from: The Australian Hymnbook / Sing Alleluia / Together in Song //

(SEE ALSO: ‘Singing From the Lectionary’ by Natalie Sims, )

All the ends of the earth have seen
(TIS 57 + SA 3, from English Praise) [Psalm 98]
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound (TIS 129 + AHB 56) (VU 266)
** And did you see him, little star? (SA 6, Helen Clyde) (AA 4)
* Angel voices ever singing (AHB 386, Francis Pott) (SOF 15)
** Angels from the realms of glory (TIS 309 + AHB 235) (VU 36)
(BOP 146) (Ch4 324) (Ph 22) (UMH 220) (Cha 149) (NCH 126)
[French Carol]
As man and woman we were made (TIS 645 + SA 7, Brian A. Wren, 1936–)
* As with gladness men of old (TIS 314 + AHB 239) (Ch4 326)
(BOP 172) (NCH 159) (Ph 63)
At the first coming of the Lord (SA 10, Nicolas Graham) (Covenant 49)
** Away in a manger, no crib for a bed (TIS 318 + AHB 242) (VU 69)
(BOP 149) (Ch4 312) (Ph 24, 25) (UMH 217) (Cha 147) (NCH 124)
** Behold! a rose is growing (TIS 294, German 15th Century,
‘Est Ist Ein Ros’) (VU 8) (NCH 127) (UMH 216) (LBW 58)
(ELW 272) (Ph 48) (CP 117) (BOP 151) (W&R 190) (Cha 160)
Blessed Jesus, at thy word (TIS 437 + AHB 352)
Blessed Jesus, at your word (TIS 437 + AHB 352)
** Born in the night, Mary’s Child (TIS 232, Geoffrey Ainger, 1925-)
(VU 95) (Ph 30) (NCH 152) (BOP 137) (various)
* Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (TIS 310 + AHB 234)
(Ch4 327) (NCH 156,157) (Ph 67) (Cha 174) [Communion]
* Brightest and best of the stars of the morning (TIS 310 + AHB 234)
(Ch4 327) (NCH 156,157) (Ph 67) (Cha 174) [Communion]
** Child in the manger, infant of Mary (TIS 319 + AHB 241) (Ch4 314)
[Tune: Morning Has Broken]
Christ is the world’s light, he and none other (TIS 246 + AHB 191)
** Christ, whose glory fills the skies (TIS 212 + AHB 140) (BOP 177)
(Ch4 578) (Rejoice 339) (Ph 462, 463) (UMH 173)
** Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn (TIS 306 + AHB 231)
** ‘Christmas is coming’, the church is glad to sing
(TIS 289, John L. Bell, 1949-) (Ch4 282) (AOVK 55)
** Coldly the night winds winging (TIS 321 + AHB 245, Morris Marin)
* Come, come, Emmanuel (MV 11) (Incorporate several singers,
including different voices—young, old, male, and female.
Sing it during the anointing ceremony and/or the prayers
of the people.)
** Come, our long-expected Jesus (TIS 272 + AHB 200, Charles Wesley)
(Ch4 472) (VU 2) (NCH 122) (UMH 196) (LBW 30) (ELW 254)
(Ph 1, 2) (CP 88) (W&R 153) (Cha 125) (various)
** Come, thou long-expected Jesus (TIS 272 + AHB 200, Charles Wesley)
(Ch4 472) (VU 2) (NCH 122) (UMH 196) (LBW 30) (ELW 254)
(Ph 1, 2) (CP 88) (W&R 153) (Cha 125) (various)
* Come, your hearts and voices raising (TIS 297) (German Carol)
* Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (TIS 503 + AHB 424) (UMH 612)
“Dona nobis pacem, Domine” – Grant us peace, Lord
(TIS 713 + SA 27, The Grail)
** Earth has many a noble city (TIS 291 + AHB 216)
(Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century)
Fairest Lord Jesus (TIS 203 + AHB 131) (UMH 189)
Far beyond our mind’s grasp (TIS 542 + SA 30,
Francisco F. Feliciano, 1941–)
Father of mercy, God of consolation
(TIS 472 + SA 33, James A. Quinn, 1919–)
* From east to west, from shore to shore (AHB 217,
Celius Sedulius, 5th century)
** From heaven above to earth I come (TIS 296 + AHB 219,
by Martin Luther) (Ph 54) (Cha 146) (NCH 130)
* From Heaven you came, helpless Babe (Graham Kendrick, TIS 256,
‘The Servant King’) (ATA 261) (SIS 580/Srce 335/P&W 531/SOF 362)
* Funny kind of night, funny kind of day
(TIS 329, John L. Bell, 1949-)
** Gentle Mary laid her child (VU 46)
Glory (TIS 718, Geoff Bullock) (P&W 679/Srce 121/HS)
Gloria (TIS 773, Taizé Chant)
Glory to God (TIS 773, Taizé Chant)
Glory to the King of Kings (TIS 718, Geoff Bullock)
(P&W 679/Srce 121/HS)
* God from on high has heard (AHB 226, Charles Coffin, 1676-1749)
God gave Jesus for us all (TIS 719, David MacGregor) (DMAC) [All-Ages]
God has spoken by his prophets (TIS 158 + AHB 92)
** God has spoken to his people, hallelujah!
(TIS 636 + AHB SA 39, Willard F. Jabusch) [Israeli Folk Melody]
God gave Jesus for us all (TIS 719, David MacGregor) (DMAC)
God is Love: let heaven adore him (TIS 153 + AHB 93)
** God rest you merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay
(AHB 233, Anon. English Carol)
** God rest you merry people all, let nothing you dismay
(AHB 233, Anon. English Carol)
God, we praise you, God, we bless you (TIS 99, Christopher M. Idle)
** Good Christian folk, rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (VU 35) (BOP 141)
(Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129)
** Good Christian friends, rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (VU 35)
(BOP 141) (Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129)
** Good Christian men, rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (VU 35)
(BOP 141) (Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129)
** Good Christians, all rejoice (TIS 313 + AHB 238) (VU 35)
(BOP 141) (Ch4 322) (Ph 28) (UMH 224) (Cha 164) (NCH 129)
* Hail, gladdening Light, of his pure glory poured
(TIS 191, Anon. 4th Century)
** Hail to God’s own anointed (TIS 275 + AHB 203)
(BOP 115) (Ch4 474) (NCH 104) (UMH 203) (Cha 140) (VU 30)
** Hail to the Lord’s anointed (TIS 275 + AHB 203)
(BOP 115) (Ch4 474) (NCH 104) (UMH 203) (Cha 140) (VU 30)
Hallelujah! Sing to Jesus (TIS 517 + AHB 439) [Communion]
** Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes (TIS 269 + AHB 197)
(BOP 118) (Ch4 277) (VU 29)
** Hark! The herald angels sing (TIS 303 + AHB 227) (VU 48)
(BOP 139) (Ch4 301) (Ph 31) (UMH 240) (Cha 150) (NCH 144)
** He became poor that we may be rich (TIS 721, John L. Bell, 1949-)
(Innkeepers and Light Sleepers 18)
He who by a mother’s love (TIS 277 + AHB 204,
George MacDonald, 1824-1905)
** Hope is a star that shines in the night
(VU 7, Brian A. Wren, 1936-) (BOP 119) (Cha 132) (VU 7)
* How bright appears the morning star! (AHB 220, German, 14th century)
(VU 98)
* How brightly beams the morning star! (AHB 220, German, 14th century)
(VU 98)
I danced in the morning when the world was begun (TIS 242 + AHB 183,
Sydney Carter 1915-2004) (UMH 261)
I heard the voice of Jesus say (TIS 585 + AHB 500)
* I set the Lord before my eyes (TIS 673 + SA 48, Owen Dowling, 1934–)
* I want to walk as a child of the light
(TIS 643, Kathleen A. Thomerson) (UMH 206)
In great thanksgiving (TIS 632 + SA 49, Melchizedek M. Solis)
* In the fields near Bethlehem
(TIS 327 + SA 51, Chinese, tr. Wesley Milgate)
** Infant holy, infant lowly (TIS 292 + AHB 225, Polish Carol)
(BOP 143) (Ph 37) (UMH 229) (Cha 163) (VU 58)
In the fields near Bethlehem
(TIS 327 + SA 51, Chinese, tr. Wesley Milgate)
It is a thing most wonderful (AHB 171, William W. How, 1823-1897)
Jesus comes with all his grace (TIS 219 + AHB 149)
Jesus loves me, this I know (TIS 229 + AHB 166) (UMH 191)
* Joseph, your love of life brought an engagement
(TIS 328, Patrick G. Michaels)
* Joy shall come (VU 23)
** Joy to the world! The Lord is come (TIS 268 + AHB 224)
(VU 59) (BOP 153) (Ch4 320) (Ph 40) (UMH 246) (Cha 143)
(NCH 132)
** Let all mortal flesh keep silence (TIS 497 + AHB 418)
(NCH 345) (Cha 124) (Ph 5) (UMH 626) [4th century]
Let all together praise our God (TIS 298,
Nikolaus Herman, c. 1485-1561)
Let earth and heaven agree (AHB 145, Charles Wesley, 1707-1788)
* Let earth and heaven combine (TIS 305 + AHB 229, by Charles Wesley)
* Let heaven and earth combine (TIS 305 + AHB 229, by Charles Wesley)
** Lift up your heads, eternal gates, alleluia!
(TIS 267, Georg Weissel, 1590-1635) (Ch4 289) (NCH 117)
(UMH 213) (Cha 129) (Ph 8)
** Lift up your heads, O mighty gates, alleluia!
(TIS 267, Georg Weissel, 1590-1635) (Ch4 289) (NCH 117) (UMH 213)
(Cha 129) (Ph 8)
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass (AHB 381,
James Montgomery, 1771-1854)
** Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
(TIS 267, Georg Weissel, 1590-1635)
(Ch4 289) (NCH 117) (UMH 213) (Cha 129) (Ph 8)
** Light one candle for hope (TIS 286, Natalie Sleeth)
** Lo, how a rose e’er (TIS 294, German 15th Century,
‘Est Ist Ein Ros’) (VU 8) (NCH 127) (UMH 216) (LBW 58)
(ELW 272) (Ph 48) (CP 117) (BOP 151) (W&R 190) (Cha 160)
** Long ago, prophets knew (TIS 283 + SA 61,
Fred Pratt Green, 1903-2000) (W&R 167) (Srce2-382) (BOP 121)
(various) [Tune: Theodoric]
* Lord, bid your servant go in peace (TIS 324 + AHB 248) (Rejoice 248)
[Song of Simeon] [Nunc Dimitus]
Lord Christ, we praise your sacrifice (TIS 251 + SA 60,
Alan Gaunt, 1935–)
* Lord Christ, when first you came to men (AHB 208, Walter R. Bowie)
(Ph 7)
* Lord Jesus, our bright Morning Star (TIS 199 + AHB 220,
Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608) [German]
** Lord, the light of your love is shining
(TIS 675, Graham Kendrick, ‘Shine, Jesus, Shine’)
(SIS 580/Srce 335/P&W 531/SOF 362) (BOP 376)
** Love came down at Christmas (TIS 317 + AHB 243) (Ch4 316)
(UMH 242) (NCH 165)
Love divine, all loves excelling (TIS 217 + AHB 148)
May the grace of Christ our Saviour (TIS 777 + AHB 373)
** Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
(TIS 315 + AHB 205) (Ch4 476)
My heart is full of Christ, and longs (TIS 214 + AHB 143)
** My soul gives glory to my God (TIS 172, Miriam Therese Winter)
(Ph 600) (Cha 130) (NCH 119) (UMH 198)
* My soul gives glory to my God (TIS 173, John T. Mueller)
My soul glorifies the Lord
(AHB 210, tr. The Grail, arr. Joseph Gelineau)
* Never in all human story was a sight so wondrous seen (TIS 320)
** No wind at the window, no knock on the door
(TIS 287, John L. Bell, 1949-) (Ch4 287)
O breath of life, come sweeping through us (TIS 409 + AHB 322)
** O come, all ye faithful (TIS 304 + AHB 228) (BOP 159) (Ch4 306)
(Ph 41) (UMH 234) (Cha 148) (NCH 135) (VU 60)
** O come, O come Emmanuel (TIS 265 + AHB 193,
“Psalerolium Cantionum Catholicarum”) (Ch4 273) (BOP 122) (VU 1)
(NCH 116) (AoV1-174) (Ph 9) (UMH 211) (LBW 34) (ELW 283) (CP 89)
(W&R 154) (Cha 119) (As One Voice I, 174) (Gather Australia 285)
O for a thousand tongues to sing (TIS 210 + AHB 141) (VU 326)
O gladsome light, O grace (AHB 121, Anon. Greek 3rd cent.)
O hear the news God loved the world (AHB 164, American Folk Song)
** O how joyfully, O how hopefully (TIS 330, Brian A. Wren) (VU 57)
** O Laughing Light, O first born of creation
(TIS 255, Sylvia G. Dunstan, 1955-1993)
** O little town of Bethlehem (TIS 316 + AHB 240) (BOP 164, 165)
(Ch4 304) (Ph 43,44) (Rejoice 180) (UMH 230) (Cha 144)
(NCH 133) (VU 64)
* O shepherd of Israel, hear us (TIS 42)
* O sing a new song to the Lord (TIS 56 + AHB 196) (Psalm 98)
** O what a gift, what a wonderful gift! (TIS 278 + AHB 213, Pat Uhl)
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (TIS 454 + AHB 382)
** Of Eternal Love’s begotten (TIS 290 + AHB 215,
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century) (Ch4 319)
(NCH 118) (UMH 184) (BOP 163) (VU 61) [Tune: Corde Natus
/or/ Plainsong]
** Of the Father’s love begotten (TIS 290 + AHB 215,
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 4th century) (Ch4 319)
(NCH 118) (UMH 184) (BOP 163) (VU 61) [Tune: Corde Natus
/or/ Plainsong]
** On Christmas day all Christians sing (TIS 300, Sussex Carol,
Trad. Arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams) (Ch4 294) (BOP 162) (NCH 143)
** On Christmas night all Christians sing (TIS 300, Sussex Carol,
Trad. Arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams) (Ch4 294) (BOP 162) (NCH 143)
** Once in royal David’s city (TIS 312 + AHB 237) (VU 62) (BOP 166)
(Ch4 315) (NCH 145) (Ph 49) (UMH 250) (Cha 165)
Our God put off his glory in coming down to earth
(AHB 247, Batak Song, Sumatra)
** People, look east. The time is near
(BOP 125, Eleanor Farjeon, 1881-1965) (Ch4 281) (Ph 12)
(UMH 202) (Cha 142) (VU 9)
Prince of Peace Collection (music for Advent and Christmas
by Dan L. Schutte)
* Pull back the veil on the dawn of creation
(TIS 326, John L. Bell and Graham Maule)
Rejoice, the Lord is King (TIS 216 + AHB 147)
* Robe yourself, my soul, with gladness (TIS 503 + AHB 424)
** Saviour of the nations, come! (TIS 295, by Martin Luther,
tr. David A. Schubert) (Ph 14) (UMH 214)
** ‘Shine, Jesus, Shine’ (TIS 675, Graham Kendrick,
“Lord, the light of your love is shining…”)
(SIS 580/Srce 335/P&W 531/SOF 362) (BOP 376)
** Silent night! Holy night! (TIS 311 + AHB 236, by Joseph Mohr)
(VU 67) (BOP 154) (Ch4 309) (Ph 60) (UMH 239) (Cha 145)
(NCH 134)
** Still the night, holy the night!
(TIS 311 + AHB 236, by Joseph Mohr) (BOP 154) (Ch4 309)
(Ph 60) (UMH 239) (Cha 145) (NCH 134) (VU 67)
So God loved the people of the world (TIS 241 + SA 78,
Aboriginal: Arnhem Land)
Son of the Father, Jesus, Lord and slave
(AHB 184, Vs. 1, Frederick H. Kaan, 1929-2009) (ATA 242)
[Sri Lankan Folk Melody]
Take my life, and let it be (TIS 599 + AHB 520)
** Tell out my soul! The greatness of the Lord
(TIS 161 + AHB 109, Timothy Dudley-Smith, 1926–) (Ch4 286)
(UMH 200) [based on Luke 1:46-55]
** Thanks to God whose word was spoken (TIS 431 + AHB 339) (BOP 509)
** The advent of our God with eager prayers we greet
(TIS 271 + AHB 198)
** The advent of our King with eager prayers we greet
(TIS 271 + AHB 198)
** The angel Gabriel from Heaven came (TIS 302 + AHB 222) (Ch4 323)
(Ph 16) (BOP 156) (Ph 16)
** The first Nowell the angel did say (TIS 301 + AHB 221)
(Ch4 323) (BOP 136) (Ph 56) (NCH 139) (UMH 245) (Cha 151)
The God of Abraham praise (TIS 125 + AHB 53)
* The heavens declare your glory, Lord
(AHB 330, Isaac Watts, 1674-1748)
** The King of glory comes, the nation rejoices
(TIS 279 + AHB 212, Willard F. Jabusch, 1930-)
(TFWS/SFFS 2091) (CP 632) (various) [Israeli folk melody]
The Lord is King! lift up thy voice (AHB 64, Josiah Conder, 1789-1855)
* The Lord will come and not be slow (AHB 194, John Milton, 1608-1674)
The Maker of the sun and moon (AHB 244, Laurence Housman, 1865-1959)
* The north wind is tossing the leaves
(TIS 322 + AHB 246, John Wheeler and William G. James)
(Ch4 300) [Australian Carol]
* The people that in darkness sat (TIS 274 + AHB 202)
(Ch4 290, Scottish Paraphrases 1781) [Isaiah 9]
* The people that in darkness walked (TIS 274 + AHB 202)
(Ch4 290, Scottish Paraphrases 1781) [Isaiah 9]
* The race that long in darkness pined (TIS 274 + AHB 202)
(Ch4 290, Scottish Paraphrases 1781) [Isaiah 9]
* ‘The Servant King’ (Graham Kendrick, TIS 256,
“From heaven you came, helpless Babe…”) (ATA 261)
(SIS 580/Srce 335/P&W 531/SOF 362)
The Son of God proclaim (TIS 528 + SA 84, Basil Ernest Bridge, 1927–)
* The stars declare his glory (SA 85, Timothy Dudley-Smith) (Psalm 19)
** The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (TIS 307 + AHB 232, West Indian)
(Ch4 300) (VU 73) (TFWS/SFFS 2098)
** The voice of God goes out to all the world
(TIS 282 + SA 86, Luke Connaughton, 1917-1979)
(Ch4 283) (Gather Australia 476) (Rejoice and Sing 131)
** There’s a light upon the mountains (TIS 276 + AHB 207)
(Mission Praise 679)
** Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown
(TIS 315 + AHB 206, Emily E. S. Elliott) (TFWS/SFFS 2100)
To God be the glory, great things he has done (TIS 147 + AHB 85)
* To the name of our salvation
(AHB 127, from the Antwerp Breviary 1446) (Ch4 471)
** Unto us a boy is born! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218)
(Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Unto us a child is born! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218)
(Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Unto us is born a Son! King of all creation (TIS 293 + AHB 218)
(Ch4 311) (BOP 160) (VU 54)
** Wake, awake! for night is flying (TIS 266 + AHB 195) (Ch4 278)
(NCH 112) (UMH 720) [Communion]
* We have a gospel to proclaim (TIS 245 + AHB 189)
** When God almighty came to be one of us
(TIS 281 + AHB 214, Michael E. Hewlett)
** While shepherds watched their flocks by night (TIS 299 + AHB 233)
(BOP 138) (Ph 58,59) (UMH 236) (Cha 154) (VU 76)
* Who is the baby an hour or two old? (TIS 325,
John L. Bell and Graham Maule)
With my whole heart I will praise you, O Lord
(TIS 86, Arlo Dean Duba, 1929-)
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (TIS 454 + AHB 382)
** Ye gates lift up your heads (TIS 12 + AHB 286) [Communion]
You shall go out with joy
(TIS 755, Steffi G. Rubin, ‘Trees of the Field’)
** Your coming, Lord, to earth in Bethlehem
(TIS 285 + SA 98, Wesley Milgate)



// From Other Collections //


A child is born in Bethlehem, alleluia!
A Christmas blessing (ATE 194)
A Christmas Prayer (VU 39) [Opening Prayer]
A cry in the night and a child is born (ATA 231, Geoffrey Ainger)
* A great and mighty wonder (Rejoice 173) (Tune: ‘Es Ist Ein Ros’)
* A light is gleaming (VU 82)
A shoot shall come out (Cha 126, The Peaceful Realm)
A song for Christmas (GGIVES3, Schultz) [All-Ages]
A song was heard at Christmas
* A stable lamp is lighted whose glow shall wake the sky
(Cha 141, Richard Wilbur)
A star was his candle
A virgin most pure, as the prophet foretold
* A voice is heard (AOVK 50/ATW 430, Watts/O’Brien) [All-Ages]
About that night in Bethlehem
* Across the plains one Christmas night
(Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
“Adeste Fideles” (Ch4 307, Latin 18th century: O Come All Ye Faithful)
* All beautiful the march of days (VU 530)
** All earth is hopeful to see the promised one (VU 5, Albert Taule,
“Toda la tierra espera al Salvador”) (NCH 121) (UMH 210)
(WoV 629) (WoV 629) (ELW 266) (W&R 163) (BOP 109) (Cha 138)
[Catalonian Tune] [All-Ages]
** All earth is waiting to see the promised one (VU 5, Albert Taule,
“Toda la tierra espera al Salvador”) (NCH 121) (UMH 210)
(WoV 629) (WoV 629) (ELW 266) (W&R 163) (BOP 109) (Cha 138)
[Catalonian Tune] [All-Ages]
All glory be to God on high
All hail and welcome, holy Child
* All my heart this night rejoices (Ph 21) (German)
* All my heart today rejoices (Ph 21) (German)
** All poor folk and humble, all lame folk who stumble (VU 68)
** All poor men and humble, all lame men who stumble (VU 68)
** All poor ones and humble, all lame ones who stumble (VU 68)
* All the bells are gaily ringing (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
* All the heavens are lit by a bright starry glow
(Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
Allelu! Allelu! Everybody sing allelu! (ATA 227, Ray Repp)
Alleluia, sweetest anthem
** And did you see him, little star? (SA 6, Helen Clyde) (AA 4)
And he shall reign (Srce 22, Graham Kendrick, 1950-)
* Angel voices ever singing (Ch4 498)
** Angels we have heard on high (BOP 147) (Cha 155) (NCH 125)
(Ph 23) (UMH 238)
Anna’s song (ATE 132)
Arise, shine out, your light has come (UMH 725)
* Arise, your light has come! (VU 79)
As Joseph was a-walking
As shepherds filled with joy (NCH 149, Puerto Rican Carol)
As stars adorn the night-veiled sky
* As you sit by your wide open window (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
** At Christmastime the birds all sing
(GGIVES2/Leigh Newton, ‘Christmas in the Scrub’) [All-Ages]
At the first coming of the Lord (May Howlett, Covenant)
At the first coming of the Lord (SA 10, Nicolas Graham)
** Awake, Awake and greet the new morn (NCH 107, Marty Haugen, 1950-)
(LBW 633) (ELW 242) (W&R 160) (Cha 138) (various)
Awake, awake, O Zion (Isaiah 52)
* Before the marvel of this night (VU 40)
** Before the world began one Word was there
(Ch4 317, John L. Bell and Graham Maule)
Behold the great Creator makes himself a house of clay (Ch4 308)
Behold a Virgin bearing him
** Bethlehem, a noble city (Ch4 325, Prudentius, 348-413)
Bethlehem, of noblest cities
Blow ye the trumpet, blow (UMH 379)
* Born in human likeness (MV 47)
** Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light (Ph 26) (NCH 140) (UMH 223)
Bring we the frankincense of our Lord (Ph 62)
But we see Jesus (Hebrews 2) (Covenant 131)
By his word was all created (Ch4 319, Prudentius, 348-413)
By the Creator, Joseph was appointed
Canticle of Mary – Magnificat (NCH 732, Carolyn Jennings) (UMH 199)
* Carol of the Advent (Innkeepers and Light Sleepers 22)
** Carol of the Birds (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
‘Carol of the Epiphany’ (TFWS/SFFS 2094)
** Carol our Christmas, an upside-down Christmas
(AA 9, Shirley E. Murray) (NCH 141) [New Zealand]
* Child of Christmas story (AA 12, Shirley E. Murray ‘Small Carol’)
* Child of joy and peace (AA 14, Shirley E. Murray)
* Child of the stable’s secret birth
Child so lovely, here I kneel before you
(UMH 222, Nino Lindo, Venezuelan Carol)
Children of Jerusalem (Rejoice 189)
* Christ is born [choir with congregation singing the chorus]
Child of the stable’s secret birth
Christ is born, give him glory
** Christ is our light! the bright and morning star (Ch4 336)
Christ, mighty Saviour
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Christ, you are the fullness
Christian women, Christian men (Ph 348)
* Christmas Bush For his Adorning (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
* Christmas in the picture book (AA 18, Dorothy N. Ballantyne)
** ‘Christmas in the Scrub’ (GGIVES2/Leigh Newton,
“At Christmas-time the birds all sing…”) [All-Ages]
* Christmas Night (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
Christmas song
* Christmas where’er you be (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
Cloth for the cradle
Cold December flies away (UMH 233, “En el Frio Invernal”,
Catalonian Carol)
Colours of Christmas (GGIVES2/Leigh Newton) [All-Ages]
Come and bless, come and praise (Covenant 155)
** Come and join the celebration (Ch4 321, Valerie Collison)
* Come and sing the Christmas story (Rejoice 186)
Come, come, come to the manger
Come, let us sing (SIS 488/P&W 450, Brent Chambers)
Come, my soul, you must be waiting
Come now, and praise the humble saint
** Come, now, O Prince of Peace (TFWS/SFFS 2232) (Ch4 275)
Come, thou Redeemer of the earth
Come on, rejoice (Covenant)
* Come to this Christmas singing! (AA 28, Shirley E. Murray)
* Country Carol (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
Creator of the starry height
** Creator of the stars of night (Ch4 288) (Ph 4) (BOP 111) (Cha 127)
“Cuando El Pobre” (UMH 434, “When the poor ones…”)
** “De Tierra Lejana Venimos” (UMH 243, Puerto Rican Carol,
‘From a Distant Home’) (Ph 64)
Deck the halls with boughs of holly (French Trad.)
Donkey, Donkey (God Gives … Songs for Kids, Book 2)
Dost thou in a manger lie
** Down to earth as a dove (Cha 168, Frederick H. Kaan, 1929-2009)
(VU 42)
Drawn to the Light (ATOK 315, John Ylvisaker,
“People who walk in darkness have sought…”)
** Dream a Dream (MV 158)
“Duérmete, Niño lindo” (O, sleep now, holy baby)
* “E te Ariki” (AA 30, Maori Song)
Earth and all stars (VU 888)
* Earth lies spellbound (Srce 85, Graham Kendrick, 1950-)
Earth was waiting, spent and restless
Emmanuel (HS, Morgan)
** ‘Emmanuel Carol’ (ATFG 514, Berberick,
“God of light, we are waiting for you”)
Emmanuel: God is with us (ATN 17)
Every star shall sing a carol (Song, Sydney Carter)
Exceeding joy (Srce[3] 1289/Hillsong, Webster)
Father, I thank you (Covenant)
* For ages women hoped and prayed (W&R 172, Huber)
* For unto us a child is born (‘Wonderful Counsellor’)
(Song 665, John Michael Talbot)
* For unto us a child is born (ATN 33) (Covenant 95) (Isaiah 9)
** From a distant home (Ph 64) (UMH 243, Puerto Rican Carol,
“De Tierra Lejana Venimos”)
From God Christ’s deity came forth
From heaven above – Welcome to earth
From the eastern mountains
Gabriel’s message does away
Gentle from heaven you came, helpless babe (Song, Graham Kendrick)
** Gentle Joseph, Joseph dear (NCH 105, German Carol) (TFWS/SFFS 2099)
** Gentle Mary laid her child, lowly in a manger (Ph 27) (VU 46)
Get ready (ATW 420, Gerry Holmes) (GGIVES4) [All-Ages]
Give a shout in celebration (DMAC, David MacGregor)
* Give Glory (ATOK 356, John Beavis, “Take this sand,
take this snow…”)
* Glad tidings! Glad tidings! (NCH 146, “Nu Oli”, Hawaiian Carol)
* Gloria, gloria, glory in the highest
(TIS 773, Taizé Chant, ‘Glory to God’) (Srce 119)
Glorious the day when Christ was born
Glory, glory, glory (ATOK 317, Pablo Sosa, Argentina)
Glory, glory in the highest (TIS 718, Geoff Bullock)
(P&W 679/Srce 121/HS)
Glory, in the highest, glory
Glory in the highest to the God of heaven
Glory to God [All-Ages]
Glory to God (Srce 528, Graham Kendrick, 1950-)
Glory to God! all heaven with joy is ringing
Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest!
(ATOK 318, Peruvian Chorus) [All-Ages]
Glory to God in highest heaven
* Glory to God in the highest (TFWS/SFFS 2276) (MV 124)
Glory to God on high
** Go, tell it on the mountain (BOP 133, African-American Spiritual)
(VU 43) (Cha 167) (NCH 154) (Ph 29) (UMH 251)
God bless us and disturb (HSNW, The Iona Community)
* God from on high has heard (AHB 226, Charles Coffin, 1676-1749)
* God created heaven and earth (VU 251)
* God gave Jesus for us all (TIS 719, David Macgregor) (DMAC)
God gives us life
God in Human Shoes (ATOK 338, Matthew Thiele,
“In a dusty old place called Bethlehem…”)
God in the darkness (MV 17)
God is here (VU 389)
** God of light, we are waiting for you
(ATFG 514, Berberick, ‘Emmanuel Carol’)
God, you are clothed with light
God’s love made visible! (Cha 171, Iola Brubeck)
Good Christians all, rejoice and sing! (Ph 111)
Good King Wenceslas Looked out on the feast of Stephen (English Trad.)
Good morning; peace (ATN 3)
* Grateful (MV 182)
Had he not loved us
Hail to the Lord’s Anointed (UMH 208, Canticle of Zechariah)
** He came down that we may have love (Ch4 359, Cameroon Song,
‘Jesus came bringing us hope’) (Iona/M&G) MV 33) (ELW 253)
(TFWS/SFFS 2085) (CP 368) (W&R 402) (Gather Australia 293)
(various) [All-Ages]
He is born, little child
* He is born, the holy Child (VU 50, “Il est né, le divin Enfant”)
(BOP 169) (UMH 228) [French Carol]
Heaven invited you to a party (Srce 150, Graham Kendrick)
Heavenly message, brought by an angel
** Her baby, newly breathing (Cha 158, Brian A. Wren, 1936-)
[Tune: Merle’s Tune]
Here in this place new light is streaming
(TFWS/SFFS 2236, ‘Gather Us In’)
Here is the centre: star on distant star
Holy Child, how still you lie
* Holy night, blessed night (Ph 33, Mandarin Carol)
* Hope is a star (BOP 119, Brian A. Wren) (VU 7)
Hosanna to the living Lord
How great our joy! (Cha 170, German Carol)
How lovely on the mountains (Isaiah 52)
* I am a child of God (MV 157)
I am for you (HSNW, John L. Bell, The Iona Community)
I am the Light of the world (ATE 128)
** I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship
(SOF 185, William Young Fullerton) [Tune: Londonderry Air]
* I come from heaven high to tell
(Ch4 297-298, Martin Luther 1483-1546)
* I extol you (SIS 546, Randolph)
I love to hear the story
I praise you, O God (MV 61)
I saw three ships come sailing (Trad.)
* I want to walk as a child of light (Covenant 18)
** I wonder as I wander, out under the sky
(BOP 142, trad. John Jacob Niles
(Cha 161 Appalachian Carol)
* “Il est né, le divin Enfant” (VU 50, ‘He is born, the holy Child’)
(BOP 169) (UMH 228) [French Carol]
Immanuel, O Immanuel (Srce 219, Graham Kendrick)
* In a dusty old place called Bethlehem
(ATOK 338, Matthew Thiele, “God in Human Shoes”)
In Bethlehem a Babe was born (Ph 34, Barbara Mays)
** In Bethlehem a new-born boy (BOP 140) (Ph 35, Rosamond E. Herklots)
** In the bleak midwinter, frosty winds made moan
(VU 55) (BOP 145) (Ch4 305) (Ph 36) (UMH 221) (NCH 128)
In the name of Jesus
“Innkeepers and light sleepers” (Carols by John L. Bell, 1949-,
and The Iona Community)
Is this the way you made the world?
** It came upon the midnight clear (Ch4 303, Sears) (VU 44) (NCH 131)
(UMH 218) (LBW 54) (ELW 282) (Ph 38) (CP 140, 141) (W&R 191)
(Cha 153) (Srce2-289) (various)
** It was on a starry night when the hills were bright
(Ch4 302, Joy Webb)
It was poor little Jesus
It’s a surprise (GBEAT2, Gibson) [All-Ages]
* It’s Christmas (DMAC, David MacGregor) [All-Ages]
** ‘Jesus came bringing us hope’ (Ch4 359, Cameroon Song,
“He came down that we may have love…”) (Iona/M&G)
(MV 33) (ELW 253) (TFWS/SFFS 2085) (CP 368) (W&R 402)
(Gather Australia 293) (various) [All-Ages]
“Jesus Es Mi Rey Soberano” (UMH 180)
Jesus, good above all other
Jesus, grant that we may follow (Covenant 82)
Jesus has sat down at God’s (Hebrews 1)
Jesus, hope of every nation
* Jesus, how lovely you are (AA 30, ‘E te Ariki’, Maori Song)
** Jesus is born: formed in a womb and now baby
(Ch4 311, Pat Bennett)
Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it (St. John 1)
Jesus, Jesus, oh, what a wonderful child (NCH 136, Spiritual)
Jesus joy (SASB, Currie) [All-Ages]
Jesus, Name of wondrous love
** Jesus, our brother, kind and good (BOP 150) (NCH 138)
(UMH 227, “The Friendly Beasts”) (VU 56) [French Carol]
** Jesus, our brother, strong and good (BOP 150) (NCH 138)
(UMH 227, “The Friendly Beasts”) (VU 56) [French Carol]
Jesus, set us free (ATE 133)
Jesus, stand among us at the meeting (Covenant 92)
Jesus, tempted in the desert (Ch4 338)
Jesus, you are the radiance of (Hebrews 1)
Jingle Bells (Popular)
** Joseph dearest, Joseph mine (TFWS/SFFS 2099)
* Joy is now in every place (VU 45)
* Joy shall come (VU 23)
Joyful, joyful, Christmas day is here (Ph 39, Toshiaki Okamoto)
Let folly praise that fancy loves
Let there be peace on earth (Covenant 14)
* Let us even now go to Bethlehem (NCH 142, Philippines Carol)
* Lift This Child (As One Voice II 125)
Light has dawned (St. John 1)
Like a candle flame (Srce 322, Graham Kendrick, 1950-)
Little Bethlehem of Judah (NCH 113, Calvin Seerveld)
Long time ago in Bethlehem (Caribbean, ‘Mary’s Boy Child’)
* Look up and wonder at the stars (Innkeepers and Light Sleepers 32)
Lord Christ, when first you came to men (Ph 7)
Lord, I lift your name on high (P&W 736/Srce 330, Founds)
Lord, now let your servant go in peace (UMH 225, Canticle of Simeon)
Lord, when the wise men came from far
* Lord, where have we left you? (ATOK 322/Iona, Iona Community)
Lord, who left the highest heaven
** Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour
(BOP 134, Frank Houghton, 1894-1972) (Ch4 318)
[para. 2 Cor. 8:9]
Lord, your hands have formed this world
Love is the touch of intangible joy (Ch4 115)
Love us into fullness (MV 81)
* Lullay, lullay, thou little tiny child
Magnificat (WWHS 78/Iona Community, John L. Bell)
Make way, make way, for Christ the King (Graham Kendrick)
* Many and great, O God, are your works (VU 308)
Mary, blessed teenage mother
* Mary, woman of the promise (NCH 123, Mary Frances Fleischaker)
(VU 16)
Mary’s Boy Child (Caribbean, “Long time ago in Bethlehem”)
Mary’s child (ATE 141)
Mary’s song (Palmer/Grant) [All-Ages]
Meekness and majesty
* Merry Christmas (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
* Midnight stars make bright the skies (Ph 65, Chinese Carol)
My God, how wonderful thou art
Mothering God, you gave us birth (TFWS/SFFS 2050)
My heart is overflowing (NCH 15, The Song of Hannah)
My heart sings out with joyful praise (NCH 106, Ruth Duck)
My Master, see, the time has come (UMH 226)
My soul cries out (MV 120)
My soul doth magnify (SOF 379, Susie Hare)
* My soul doth magnify the Lord (SOF 380) (Song 60, Chorus)
My soul glorifies the Lord (Srce[3] 1442/Vineyard, Kane/Kane/Manders)
My soul is praising the Lord, yes! (ATA 260, Peter Kearney)
My soul proclaims (Common Ground 15b, Farrell/Alstott)
* My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
(UMH 199, Richard Proulx) (Cha 131)
* My soul proclaims your glory, Lord
Name of all majesty
New songs of celebration render
“Niño Lindo” (UMH 222 ‘Child So Lovely’)
* No crowded eastern street (VU 49)
No other prophet
* Noel-Time (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
* Not on a snowy night (AA 98, Willow Macky, “Te Harinui”)
Now let us sing our Saviour’s praise (Cha 156, Song of Simeon)
Now, Lord! according to thy word (Ch4 333, Scottish Paraphrases 1781)
* Now once again it’s Noel-time (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
Now yield we thanks and praise
O Bethlehem is a small place
O bless the Lord, the God of Israel (Rejoice 178) (Luke 1:68-79)
O Christ, the Word Incarnate
* O come and join the angels (Srce 381, Graham Kendrick, 1950-)
* O come and join the dance (Srce 381, Graham Kendrick, 1950-)
O come, little children
O day of peace that dimly shines (UMH 729)
O God, who by a star did guide
O God, you gave your servant John (VU 718)
* O he is born (AA 107, Felicia Edgecombe)
* O holy city, seen of John (VU 709)
O Holy Mary (AOV[1] 141, Alstott)
* O holy night! The stars are brightly shining
O Holy Spirit, root of life (TFWS/SFFS 2121)
** O little Love who comes again (AA 108, Shirley E. Murray)
(Ch4 329) [New Zealand carol]
** O little one sweet, O little one mild
O Lord, how shall I meet you? (VU 31)
** O Morning Star, how fair and bright (UMH 247)
O praise ye the Lord! praise him in the height
O radiant Christ, incarnate word
O Saviour of our fallen race
O Shepherd, hear and lead your flock (various, Morgan)
[Tune: St Louis]
** O sing a song of Bethlehem (NCH 51) (Ph 308) (UMH 179)
[English Carol]
** O sing to our God, O sing out a new song
(BOP 453, Brazilian Folk Song) (VU 241)
O sleep, dear holy Baby (Ph 45, Hispanic Folk Song)
* O sleep now, holy baby (Ph 45, Hispanic Folk Song)
O splendour of God’s glory bright (Ph 474) (UMH 679)
O thou joyful, O thou wonderful (Cha 169, “Oh Santisimo!”)
* O who will come with me today? (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
* O word of God incarnate (Ph 327) (St. John 1)
Off we go to Bethlehem (‘Christ is Born!’)
On a special kind of night (Vawser) [All-Ages]
* On that very first Christmas (King of Christmas, Buchanan)
* On the night that was Christmas night (Covenant 8)
** On this day earth shall ring (Ph 46, Piae Cantiones) (UMH 248)
** One day an angel here on this earth (Ch4 299, Alison M. Robertson)
One holy night in Bethlehem (TFWS/SFFS 2097)
Out of the flowing river (Ch4 335) [Baptism of Jesus]
* Out on the plains the Brolgas are dancing
(Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
Peace to you
** People, look east. The time is near
(BOP 125, Eleanor Farjeon, 1881-1965) (Ch4 281) (Ph 12)
(UMH 202) (Cha 142) (VU 9)
People in darkness are looking for light (BOP 124, Dosia Carlson)
People who walk in darkness have sought (ATOK 315, John Ylvisaker,
“Drawn to the Light”)
Praise God, the Source of life and birth
Praise him, worship him (Covenant 81)
Prepare the way (VU p. 882)
Prepare the way of the Lord (VU 10)
Redeemer of the nations, come
Rejoice in the Lord always (VU 249)
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice (Ph 15)
Rejoice, ye pure in heart! (Ph 145, 146)
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky
* ‘Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow’ (Ph 50, African-American Spiritual,
“There’s a star in the East on Christmas morn …”) (VU 70)
(TFWS/SFFS 2096)
Rock-a-bye, my dear little boy (UMH 235, Czech Carol)
Royal sons of a royal king (SOF 470, Brenda McArthur)
Run, run, run (GBEAT2, Beales) [All-Ages]
** See amid the winter’s snow (VU 76, Edward Caswall) (BOP 168)
(Ph 51)
** See him lying on a bed of straw
(Ch4 310, Michael A. Perry 1942-1996) [Calypso Carol]
* See! In yonder manger low (Ch4 313)
See the little baby born in manger (NCH 147, Donald Swift) [Spiritual]
See there in the manger low (Rejoice 181)
Sheep fast asleep, there on a hill (Ph 52)
(NCH 137, Genzo Miwa, Japanese Carol)
Shepherds came, their praises bringing
Shepherds, in the field abiding
Shout for joy and sing (Psalm 98)
Shout for joy and sing your praises (Psalm 98)
Sing a different song (NCH 150, The Iona Community, Scotland)
* Sing a new song to the Lord (ATW 468, Peter Mangold)
Sing for God’s glory that colours the dawn of creation
(Ch4 172, Kathryn Galloway)
* Sing Gloria! (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
Sing, O sing, this blessed morn
* Sing of Mary, pure and lowly (UMH 272)
* Sing, sing out! (MV 180)
* Sing till sundown, hum your joy (VU 78)
* Sing with joy to God (DMAC, David MacGregor)
Sing out for joy, he is coming (ATW 434, Dell)
Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalm 98) (Covenant 96)
* Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here! (UMH 237)
[French Carol]
Sing we of the Blessed Mother
* Sing with the angels (DMAC, David MacGregor)
* Singing Glory (ATOK 371, Annette Fechner,
“We are all the wise men, following the star,,,”)
Sleep, holy Babe!
Sleep, holy Child, now hid away
Sleep, sweet child, thy mother watches
Son of the Father, Jesus, Lord and slave (Verse 1)
(ATA 242, Frederik H. Kaan, 1929-)
Song of Mary (Ph 600)
Song of Simeon
Songs of praise the angels sang
Songs of thankfulness and praise
** Star-Child (NCH 538, Shirley E. Murray, 1931-) (AoV2-43) (ATFG 520)
(TFWS/SFFS 2095) (W&R 223) (Seasons of the Spirit Songbook)
Stay, my child, my body sharing
** Still, still, still (VU 47) (BOP 152) (Ph 47, Austrian Carol)
Still through the cloven skies they come (Ch4 303)
* Sun gleams bright, hearts are light (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
* Te Harinui (AA 98, Willow Macky, “Not on a snowy night…”)
* Tell me the story of Christmas (“King of Christmas”, Buchanan)
* Tell me the story of Christmas (ATFG 539, Combe) [All-Ages]
* That Boy-Child of Mary was born in a stable (BOP 155, Thom Colvin)
(Ph 55) (UMH 241) (Malawi Carol)
The brightness of God’s glory
* The Christmas Tree (Australian Carols, John Wheeler)
* The darkness turns to dawn
** The Day That Christ Was Born On (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
The desert shall rejoice and blossom as a rose
(BOP 783, Gracia Grindal) (Ph 18)
The first one ever, oh, ever to know (UMH 276, Linda Wilberger Egan)
The friendly beasts (UMH 227)
The grace of God has dawned upon the world
* The hands that first held Mary’s Child (BOP 158, Thomas H. Troeger)
** The heavenly Child in stature grows
The heavens declare your glory, Lord (Psalm 19)
The holly and the ivy (Trad. English)
The light of Christ (ATE 126)
* The light of Christ has come into the world (Covenant 116)
* The Little Town Where Christ Was Born
(Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
The magi who to Bethlehem did go (NCH 155, Puerto Rican Carol)
** The Maker of the sun and moon
The race that long in darkness pined (Scottish Psalter)
** The silver stars are in the sky (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
** The snow lay on the ground, the stars shown bright
(BOP 157, Anglo-Irish) (Ph 57) (TFWS/SFFS 2093)
The special light of Christmas (Ellers/McAlister/Hudson) [All-Ages]
* The Three Drovers (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
* The trees are whisp’ring a secret from twilight to dawn
(Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
The trumpets sound, the angels sing
* The tyrant issues his decree (Ch4 330, Iain D. Cunningham)
[The Holy Innocents]
The universe was waiting
The way is low (ATE 190)
* The wind blew keen (AA 141, Colin Gibson)
The wise may bring their learning
The Word whom earth and sea and sky
** There’s a song in the air! (UMH 249) (Cha 159)
There’s a star in the East on Christmas morn (Ph 50, Spiritual,
“Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow”) (VU 70) (TFWS/SFFS 2096)
There was a child in Galilee (MV 134)
They were waiting, waiting for the time (ATA 221, Robin Mann)
This child (Srce 511, Graham Kendrick)
This Child secretly comes
This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made (Covenant 148)
This Kingdom (Srce 278/ATOK 329/HS/P&W 763, Geoff Bullock)
* Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour
Three things I promise (MV 176)
Thy kingdom come! on bended knee
** To a maid engaged to Joseph (BOP 130, Gracia Grindel)
(Ph 19) (UMH 215) (VU 14)
** To a maid whose name was Mary (BOP 130, Gracia Grindel)
(Ph 19) (UMH 215) (VU 14)
To show by touch and word (VU 427)
** “Toda la tierra espera al Salvador” (VU 5, Albert Taule,
‘All earth is waiting’/’All earth is hopeful’) (NCH 121)
(UMH 210) (WoV 629) (WoV 629) (ELW 266) (W&R 163)
(BOP 109) (Cha 138) [Catalonian Tune] [All-Ages]
True faith needs no defence (MV 139)
** ‘Twas in the moon of wintertime (BOP 144, Huron Carol) (Cha 166)
(Ph 61) (NCH 151) (UMH 244) (VU 71)
Virgin-born, we bow before thee
Walk with me (VU 649)
Watchman, tell us of the night (Ph 20)
* We are all the wise men, following the star
(ATOK 371, Annette Fechner, “Singing Glory”)
We believe you are the way (ATOK 314, Sharny Russell-Schlencker,
“Come to Us”)
We have seen the Word of life (Verse 1) (Robin Mann, ATA 244)
We sing of your glory (MV 58)
** We three kings of orient are (BOP 173) (Cha 172) (Ph 66) (UMH 254)
We welcome you, Little Baby (GGIVES3-34, Gerry Holmes) [kids\
We wish you a merry Christmas (Popular)
What Adam’s disobedience cost
** What child is this, who laid to rest?
(BOP 161, William Chatterton Dix) (Ph 53) (NCH 148) (UMH 219)
(Cha 162) (VU 74) (As One Voice I 165) [Tune: Greensleeves]
What if the one who shapes the stars
* What kind of greatness (Srce 567, Graham Kendrick, 1950-)
** What star is this, with beams so bright? (BOP 170)
(Ph 68, Puer Nobis Nascitur)
When a star is shining over eastern hills
When came in flesh the incarnate Word
* When Christmas morn is dawning, I wish that I could be (UMH 232)
When Christ’s appearing was made known
When he comes we’ll see just a child (SOF 599, Sue Read)
* When long before time (VU 248)
When Mary brought her treasure (Ch4 332, Jan Struther, 1901-1953)
When our God came to earth
When the crimson sun had set
When the poor ones (UMH 434, “Cuando El Pobre”)
** When the sun’s a golden rose (Australian Carol, John Wheeler)
Where is this stupendous stranger?
Where shepherds lately knelt (BOP 167, Jaroslav J. Vajda)
** While by the sheep we watched at night
(Cha 170, “How Great Our Joy!”)
While humble shepherds watched their flocks
(Ch4 296, Scottish Paraphrases 1781)
Who can measure heaven and earth
** Who is he in yonder stall? (Rejoice 169, Benjamin Russell Hanby)
(SOF 608) (UMH 190)
Who would have dreamed it?
** Who would think that what was needed
(Ch4 295, John L. Bell and Graham Maule) (NCH 153)
Why, impious Herod, should’st thou fear
* Will you come and see the light from the stable door?
(VU 96, Brian A. Wren, 1936-) (Bread of Tomorrow)
Wise men of old came seeking
Wise men, seeking Jesus
** Wise men, they came to look for wisdom
(Ch4 328, Christopher M. Idle)
Woman in the night (UMH 274)
Womb of life and source of being
* ‘Wonderful Counsellor’ (Song 665, John Michael Talbot,
“For unto us a child is born…”)
* ‘Wonderful Counsellor’ (Song 665, John Michael Talbot,
“For unto us a child is born…”)
Wonderful Counsellor, Jesus
Wonderful Counsellor, mighty God among us
Wonderful Counsellor, the mighty God
Word of God, come down on earth (UMH 182)
Word of the Father, source of all things living
Yahweh be praised (MV 51)
Ye who own the faith of Jesus
You are the mighty King (Song 677, Eddie Espinosa)
You sat down at the right hand (Hebrews 1)
Yours the hand that made creation

About admin

Rev Sandy Boyce is a Uniting Church in Australia Minister (Deacon). This blog may be a help to people planning worship services.
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